It was twenty years ago today. At the ripe old age of twenty-two, I exchanged vows with the love of my life and embarked upon the adventure of a lifetime.
I remember the first time I laid eyes upon Mrs. Dawntreader. In fact, I have taken all of my children to the very spot and told the story. She was coming down toward the gym headed to cheerleader practice. I was leaving the gym headed back toward my dorm.
The vision of her stopped me dead in my tracks. Though it was twenty four years ago, I remember the exact thought that entered my mind.
"That is the tannest girl I have ever seen in my life."
And she was. She had life guarded for the entire summer. She was so tan she looked orange. She was also blond and an absolute knock out. Not to brag or anything, but I married the best looking girl in the entire college. ;-) Me. A nobody from California. A selfish worm like me. Clearly an act of sheer grace.
Mrs. Dawntreader has aged gracefully. She looks as good as she did then. Even more, she has matured into a beautiful woman of God. She is one of the wisest persons I have ever known. Her wisdom is amazingly practical, as it should be. I truly would be a lost puppy in this world without her. She is rock solid in her theology and is a deep thinker, though she downplays it. She is a terrific mother too.
My children are blessed to have such a caring and unselfish mother. She has taught me so many lessons about life that I cannot begin to enumerate them all here.
As you can clearly tell, I married way over my head. We have had our share of struggles. Those who told me marriage was hard were right. It is very hard. Dying to your selfishness never comes easy. But it is good.
I look forward to the next twenty years with Mrs. Dawntreader. This time in the year 2025, we hope to be celebrating Christmas with our grandchildren. Twenty years after that, I look forward to putting my teeth in, as she does the same, and rocking in our chairs ... reflecting on God's goodness in bringing us together. The tan girl from Baltimore and the nobody from California.
Happy anniversary
Posted by: kevin | December 28, 2005 at 13:07
Happy Anniversary, Jeff!
Posted by: Brian | December 28, 2005 at 15:02
Thank you!
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | December 30, 2005 at 07:26
Happy Anniverary, Jeff!
Hubby and I just celebrated 18 years yesterday :-).
A Blessed New Year to you & your family!
Posted by: Bonnie | January 01, 2006 at 22:55
I was there at the wedding and enjoyed meeting your beautiful bride. Every word you said about her is true- you got a keeper there! You have really been blessed.
Posted by: Linda | January 02, 2006 at 16:12