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March 14, 2006


The breadth of this "movement" is what makes it so hard to look into. On one hand you've got guys like McLaren who make your brain bleed if you listen to them for too long. But then you also have people like Dan Kimball and Mark Driscoll who seem to be able to look forward while keeping a foot planted in solid theology.

Good luck with your research on the EC. It's a large task.

Cool! Now you have to meet with Nancy Murphy for the epistemology part! I gotta say, I envy your access to the Fuller folks!

Actually, I am quite content to stay with the EC ecclesiology crowd for now. I asked Ryan about the epistemology stuff. He said it honestly does not come up much -- except when the EC is defending itself against the attacks of the modernist church.

Bolger and Gibbs do not list anti-foundationalism as a core value of the EC, interestingly enough. It does come up in their book, but it is a minor theme.

The major theme is missions. The EC is a missions movement.


The missions movement that the EC is focused on is the postmodern community. The EC is huge in the culture club context of the UK -- it is not as big in the US, but it is growing. It is largely urban in focus. I probably won't find a lot of EC type churches in Roanoke. Roanoke is not known as a postmodern culture -- unless you are on one of the college campuses in this area (not many colleges in Roanoke).

Thanks for comments on Bolger and Gibbs book. I ordered it. I also ordered a book on the ECM -- or EM -- by D.A. Carson. I liked Bolger's blog (BolgBlog) on worship. His observation, "Who was invited and empowered to create and participate in worship?" is valid. I recalled how in the early 70s when we were "engaged" by the Holy Spirit in the charismatic movement watching as the hippies were brought to Christ and became the "Jesus People." They brought their acoustic guitars to our gatherings and we all participated in peoples' basements in worship and praise that often lasted for 2-3 hours. We would break bread and wine for our own form of the eucharist. We often would "recieve" new songs or someone would bring a new song, "God has given me for us."

As the charismatic movement morphed into independent congregations and the musicians became more professional the locus of worship shifted from the congregation to the platform. And this is not a comment opposing concerts by professional Christian musicians. I attend such concerts and I enjoy their CDs.

What the ECM is doing, has been done and I am glad it is coming back. I hope somehow we can learn to preserve this dimension of worship and praise that engages everyone.

"What the ECM is doing, has been done and I am glad it is coming back. I hope somehow we can learn to preserve this dimension of worship and praise that engages everyone."

Amen. Thanks for the encouragement.

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