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May 26, 2006


Jeff - this is excellent. I think you model something very important for all of us here. We all know of your love for Chuck Colson and what he has meant in your life yet you show here that you are not a sycophant for him. I agree with your statement about affirming the core values of emergent - if they can stick to those things they will have a great impact. I just think they go overboard in many ways.

BTW - I met Mr. Colson very briefly yesterday and dropped your name to him. He spoke very highly of you. He was speaking at an FRC function in Washington I was at and I happened to arrive at the hotel the same time he did and introduced myself.

I also saw Mr. Colson last month here at New Life Church in Colorado. I talked with him and Mark for a few minutes. I did not namedrop, I was more in awe then anything.

I think Mr. Colson is on the right track, but I would agree some refinement would be good. I consider myself emergent in a lot of ways, but have had reservations going all out. I feel that the church has lost some of it's ability to converse with culture, but I also can not abide by re interpreting "what is truth". The truth is the gospel...period..


Thanks for the kind words and I am glad you got to meet Mr. Colson. He is a mentor (more indirect than direct). I hope to emulate his passion for Christ and for finishing well when I am 74. What many do not know about him is how many personal tragedies he has experienced this past year (2005). He has handled them with grace, peace and joy. That speaks volumes about a person's walk with Christ.


"I think Mr. Colson is on the right track, but I would agree some refinement would be good. I consider myself emergent in a lot of ways, but have had reservations going all out. I feel that the church has lost some of it's ability to converse with culture, but I also can not abide by re interpreting "what is truth". The truth is the gospel...period.."

Amen. Christ is the gospel. And Christ is truth. And what Christ has done on our behalf in time and history is true.

Colson is right. You can't build on any other foundation but truth that can be known.

That truth is both relationship and propositional. He is right to speak prophetically if the church begins to drift away from that.

I think he would speak with more authority on the EC, however, if he affirmed some of the things they do right. People are writing him off because they think he doesn't know jack about the EC. He actually knows quite a bit. He agrees with and speaks positively about it too. You wouldn't know it, however, because his CT columns focus on his concerns about epistemology.

Great article Jeff. The EC has some great focuses as you say, and I support and encourage those aspects. I have a friend who is a baptist pastor church planting an EC like church and I think it is fantastic.

I also agree about the need for a proper foundation. This is my BIG concern about the EC movement. They avoid any statement of belief because they don't want to exclude anyone. Truth is has to be to be truth.

That being said, the EC is not a big organisation, but a nebulous movement of different people and groups deciding to move away from the current structures (in large part due to the many deficiencies of those structures). As such, I can find little confidence in recommending an EC to anyone as I can have no faith in the soundness of their foundation or theology.

When you get people in the EC like Tony Jones reacting so vehemently to criticism of the EC, it hardly seems like they are open to correction. Of course, this is once again a postmodern issue, as the idea that someone can be 'wrong' is alien to them.

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