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« Rule Changes That Would Improve The Sport : No Offsides For Receivers | Main | Reading On The Run : How To Get More Out of Reading In Less Time »

August 18, 2006


Just as a little note, I'm really really looking forward to that series on The Reading Continuum!!

And just think of how much lower the "sin-count" would be without all those cuss words and fits of rage flying about.

Yep...I'm all in favor of it.

Biggest flaw in this post is your erroneous classification of golf as a "sport." :)

I think the "one throw rule" would take 5 strokes off my game.

Wait.... that's not part of the rules already? I'd better resubmit the cards for my handicap.

Reminds me of a scene from "Welcome To Mooseport." Two guys are playing a one-on-one match. On the 18th tee, the guy that's behind offers to go double-or-nothing if he's allowed one throw. After they agree, he picks up the other guy's ball and throws it into the woods.

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