We Dawntreader's are homeschoolers, in case you didn't know. One of my jobs is to teach math. Since kids learn better when they are having fun, I always look for ways to invent games so my kids learn while playing. One of my all time best inventions was a game called "Bug Hotel". That game was played on a white board (laying flat on the ground) and with math cubes and dice. As good as Bug Hotel was, however, it was not my greatest invention.
My greatest invention and contribution to the world of education is the quizinator (we also call it quizanations). It is a Microsoft Excel based flash card game. It keeps your scores, keeps track of what you missed so you can practice on the math facts where you are weak, and it even keeps total time elapsed and average time per answer. There are endless varieties of ways to play and learn.
You can quiz for math facts or straight memorization facts. I use it to quiz my sons on their state capitals and knowledge of the presidents, for instance.
If you want a free copy, please post a comment and I will send it to you. If you know homeschoolers (or other parents who want to reinforce learning for their kids), then post a link on your blog to this post and send them over. My rule is simple. Post a comment and request a copy, plunk in your email, and it is yours free.
A little Microsoft Excel knowledge will help you operate this game. If you have never used Excel, this tool is not for you.
P.S. I found a cool web site that generates all manner of math worksheets on the fly. It is called The Math Work Sheet site. Use it to reinforce learning. The work sheets it makes are quite impressive.