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September 07, 2006


I would love a copy! I need to learn some math!

This increases my nerd factor, but my brother and I used to competitively play a "States & Capitals" computer game on our Atari 400 computer when we were kids. We did this for fun. There was also another game called "European Countries & Capitals," and because of it, to this day I can name the capitals of most of the European nations as they existed in 1983. :)


I sent you a copy. I would like any feedback. By the way, I just sent you the math one. However, you could use my other version for verse memory work. I remember you telling me you liked to memorize verses with some of the 6th graders at Trinity. Just a thot.


Atari 400, eh? I wrote some cool games myself way back when. I wrote a golf game in mbasic on my Osborne 1. I also liked to put all of my dice rolling charts onto my Osborne 1 and use the random number generator to roll the dice and look up results. This came in especially handy for my Sports Illustrated all time all stars baseball game.

There, my nerd factor just surpassed yours ;-)

I would love a copy as well. now if I could just get something to help my son with his penmanship!

Thanks for sharing!

As a math teacher, I would love a copy.

Sent to Carl.
Sent to Mathercize.

Hey, I'd like a copy -- my GRE math score needs to go up (it can't possibly go much further down). Know of any Palm-based flashcard programs?

P.S. -- I had an ancient Texas Instruments home computer when I was a kid and was very proud that I figured out how to animate a period moving across the page in Basic. Wrote a stock market game in Basic in High School.

P.S.S. Carl -- my son's penmanship stinks too, but it's such a dumb thing to have to learn longhand that I can't bring myself to do anything but laugh about it. Jefferson would have used a word processor to write the Declaration if he had one!

Yes, please. Thank you.

By the way , I hate Excel, but Engineer Husband uses it all the time. He likes the way it works for some reason.

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