"And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."
Matt 22:37
A central part of following Christ is loving him with all of your mind. We are to think through what it means to follow Christ as it applies to every area of life. We are to ask ourselves, what does it mean to think biblically about areas of life such as justice, technology, marriage, family, work, friendship, government, the environment and the list goes on. Thinking Christianly takes work and it means drilling down into more issues than abortion, stem cells and same-sex marriage.
The best way to learn how to do that is to take a subject and ask four over arching questions.
How did we get here? Why are things wrong? Is there a way out? What is our purpose?
With that grid, we can drill down into most any topic and unpack a Christian worldview and juxtapose it with a non-Christian worldview. Why do that? Because part of our calling as followers and servants of the King is to push back darkness ... to get back to God's design ... to work toward undoing the effects of the Fall. To do that, we need to clearly show why going back towards God's original design in these various areas of life promotes order, justice and shalom. If all truth is God's truth, then it stands to reason that God's design will actually work better.
So ... first up.
What is law?
Allow me to clarify that question. We live as a civilized nation governed by the rule of law. But what is the rule of law? Where does it come from? What is its basis? What is its purpose? Is it working?
Well, you get the picture.
I have invited two attorneys to join Mr. D in a conversation about a Christian worldview of law. They are both credentialed, experienced and smarter than Mr. D. We will enter into a conversation and I will post bit and pieces of our discussion here on the Dawn Treader.
I hope you enjoy. More importantly, I hope you learn how to think Christianly about law from these two bright individuals. Prepare your mind for a work out. Do your mental stretching exercises. Then join me here on the D.T.
Thinking biblically doesn't always line up with what your first thoughts might be, either, and may not fit nicely in any political spectrum.
I've read a few books about the law from both sides of the political spectrum (The Culture of Disbelief by Carter on the left and several books on the right.) However, I still don't consider myself smart on this issue, either.
I'm looking forward to the series. If you read my list of favorite books and the reasons why, you'll see that I enjoy learning about a variety of different topics: http://www.thephonicspage.org/On%20Reading/greatbooks.html
Posted by: ElizabethB | November 17, 2006 at 00:19
Ahh, I shall have to get the coffee before reading Mr. Dawntreader. I look forward to stretching that 3 pound muscle in between my ears a bit.
I just finished a class on Christian Worldview in seminary, now I can start applying that while reading The Dawn Treader. Bring it on!
Posted by: Carl Holmes | November 18, 2006 at 09:03