Next week is the blogs for life conference in D.C. I wish Mr. Dawntreader could be there in person. I can't. But I will attend via videocast.
The old media is quick to inject their worldview bias into coverage of life issues. For example, amniotic fluid stem cells and MAPC stem cells have made the need for human embryo stem cells potentially obsolete. That's right. Not needed. These new sources present zero ethical problems and have the exact same qualities (pluripotency and unlimited cell division) as human embryo stem cells. Has the old media covered the fact that we don't need human embryo stem cells any more? Barely. All we hear about is the Dems in Congress forging ahead on ESCR.
That is why blogging will be required to convey the message. Fellow life bloggers, go to this conference or show your support by attending part of the video cast.