Civilization, Thomas Aquinas once wrote, is constituted by conversation; that is, by argument. Civilized people, treating each other as reasonable, argue with one another. Barbarians club one another, as if values are mere "preferences," and reason has nothing to do with them. For barbarians, nothing matters but power.
~ Michael Novak, Theologian, Professor, Author
An excellent moderator makes for an excellent Pigfest. A moderator is responsible for several things. First, to offer opening and concluding remarks for the gathering. Second, to manage the flow of conversation so that everyone has a chance to participate and be heard. Third, to make sure that the golden rule is strictly observed. Fourth, to be the timekeeper. Fifth, to drop pebbles of truth into the shoes of Pigfesters so that they hobble away with something to ponder.
I like to open my Pigfests with a taste of history.
"I opened the Pigfest with a Thomas Aquinas quote that "civilization is constituted by conversation." Lewis, Wilberforce, Newton, Franklin and Jefferson, understood the importance of mixing hospitality and conversation in advancing ideas and thought. I am sure each of them would have enjoyed dynamic conversation and excellent food we enjoyed in Roanoke on Friday night."
Google "Ben Franklin Junto Society" to learn about Franklin's gatherings. Google "C.S. Lewis Inklings". Google "Wilberforce Clapham Circle". There is a lot of history to mine in order to give contextual remarks about how civilized societies have used the meal table to advance ideas about moral improvement.
The next thing you must do is explain the rules of the Pigfest. The rules are listed on The Pigfest Society website.
- topics must be in the area of history, culture, applied theology, economics, politics or philosophy.
- the Devil's rule is in play
- the Golden Rule must be strictly observed
- each proposition will be limited to fifteen minutes unless the moderator grants extra time
- platters of food must be passed after each proposition
- apathy is strictly forbidden
I then open it for questions. One of the questions I often get is, "should we raise our hand to talk?" My answer, "yes, if you think it will help me see that you wish to speak. However, if there is a natural opening in the conversation, then go ahead and speak. Just remember to observe the golden rule."
Once the questions are over, I call on my first presenter. At last Pigfest, I simply said, "Mrs. Webb, the table is yours."
What about "ice breakers"? An "ice breaker" is a simple question that everyone in the group must answer ... like, "give us your name and the first paid job you ever held" ... or, "tell us your name and the mascot of the High School you went to". Ice breakers are fun and give your natural comedians an opportunity to get the group laughing. Ice breakers also loosen everyone's tongue. Even the quiet folks participate in a safe and easy manner. The obvious drawback is that it uses up 15 valuable minutes of the Pigfest. This takes away time for one of your propositions. It is up to you to decide if that is time well spent.
Two important things you must do when you call on someone to present an idea. One, make sure you get them to state their proposition in a succinct way. Two, you must clarify terms if necessary.
People tend to blather when stating their proposition. You need to help them refine it to a clear statement of truth. Here is a good clear proposition someone recently sent me. "Stare decisis is fundamental to a just system of law." Here is another clear one. "The practice of arranged marriage promotes stable families and therefore a stable society." Often, however, the proposition is buried beneath a lot of words. Take my advice and restate the proposition to your presenter and ask them if you stated it correctly. If they say yes, then you are good to go.
Sometimes terms are not clear. "Stare decisis" may be meaningful to a lawyer, but a carpenter or database developer may have never heard the phrase before. Don't let the discussion get off on the wrong foot. Avoid equivocation by clarifying terms. The term "evolution" is a classic weasel word that can mean one hundred different things. Nail down exactly how the term is being used.
After the timer goes off, you will need to wrap up the conversation. That is not as easy as it sounds. People rarely want to stop talking. If you decide that the converstion needs a few more contributors, go ahead and identify who can make a brief comment and then tell the group that you need to move on.
You need to offer a few concluding remarks to each proposition. This is by far the most challenging aspect of moderating. I use concluding remarks to apply Biblical worldview thinking to the conversation. I don't necessarily quote verses, but I will use Biblical principles to agee with or disagree with the proposition. You need to think Christianly and redemptively about the proposition and give your brief thoughts. You should also recognize and integrate the outstanding contributions that were made during the conversation -- even if you disagree with them. You want to encourage good conversation, so recognize those who model that. You should limit your remarks to 5 minutes tops. You don't want to preach, but you do want to persuade and engage the thinking of your audience. Centurions are trained to think Biblically about all of life ... the wrap-up is the time to apply your training. I always pray before each Pigfest for the Holy Spirit bring cogent points to my mind and to redeem my remarks. I then "step out of the boat" in faith and trust that He will.
Should moderators take positions during the conversation? It all depends. Sometimes it is necessary. I recall one lop-sided conversation that the moderator (Jim) felt he needed to take a contrarian position to give the conversation traction. The discussion was becoming a runaway case of "group think", and Jim, as a seasoned and skillful moderator, knew the remedy. Another time to "dip into the conversation" is when you want to redirect the trajectory of the conversation. This could be to bring the group back from a bunny trail, or it could be to move the conversation toward a redemptive direction. Perhaps you sense an opportunity to make a compelling point in the closing remarks. You should feel the freedom to direct the conversation toward that goal.
Good moderating is hard at first and requires prayer, faith and practice. You get better with each Pigfest. As you become better at moderating, look to develop other moderators. Mentor them. Let them do a closing remark or two. Perhaps you can let them moderate one of the propositions while you switch roles and become a presenter. Be creative. Be intentional. Be developmental.
Happy moderating!
Just wondering...what is stare decisis? :)
Posted by: Rachael | March 31, 2007 at 17:54
Stare Decisis means to "stand by things decided". It is the practice of courts to recognize prior court decisions as precedents .. in effect, a judge is bound by the decisions of earlier judges.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | March 31, 2007 at 18:14