Akers, Bradley, Capper and Darby, whose first names are Greta, Harry, Isabel and Joseph, all flew from one city to another yesterday afternoon. All flights were primarily east to west or west to east, rather than north to south or south to north.
The cities left were Chicago, Minneapolis, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. The cities arrived at were Detroit, New York City, St. Louis and Tacoma. The times the flights left were 2:45, 3:10, 3:45 and 4:15 in their respective time zones.
The flight to St. Louis left at a later time than the flight from San Francisco but at an earlier time than the flight to New York City. Akers' flight, unlike Isabel's, was from east to west. Darby's flight, which left at a later time than the flight to New York City left, was shorter than Harry's flight but longer than the flight from Chicago. Converting all departure times to eastern standard time, Capper's flight left the latest. Joseph did not go to Tacoma.
Match them up.
Joseph Akers - DC to SL at 3:10
Isabel Bradley - Chicago to NYC at 3:45
Harry Capper - SF to Detroit at 2:45
Greta Darby - Minn. to Tacoma at 4:15
Took about 40 minutes..think it's right but not for certain.
Posted by: Mark Morrell | October 05, 2007 at 10:46
Well...I'm curious. Did he get it right?
Posted by: Rachael | October 10, 2007 at 10:06
Joseph Akers - DC to SL at 3:10
Isabel Bradley - Chicago to NYC at 3:45
Harry Capper - SF to Detroit at 2:45
Greta Darby - Minn. to Tacoma at 4:15
Is the correct answer!
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | October 11, 2007 at 15:23