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December 01, 2007


Thanks again Mr. D for officiating. It was a great time.

Mine was the TV proposition. It was originally drafted as the following potential devil's rule proposition:

"The television is the most important item in the average American household (assuming necessities of food, shelter, water and heat are met), and it is a mistake for anyone who intends to be an effectual persuader (be it politician, salesman, or religious leader) to eschew television because they will lose touch with their audience."

The proposition got quickly re-worded by our gracious Mr. D, and the conversation went elsewhere. But it was great as re-worded. I am currently so fascinated by the role of television, news and pop culture on the average American (including me). This book is what got me thinking: How the News Makes Us Dumb: The Death of Wisdom in an Information Society, by C. John Sommerville. (summary of the book)

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