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February 09, 2008


Mr. D,

As a former DNA typing scientist involved with both paternity and forensic testing (I saw the OJ DNA evidence at a conference- guess what- he did it), I would like to weigh in on the DNA database debate.
Under no circumstances should this ever be allowed period. The reason is very simple. Once they have your DNA, they can use it to convict innocent people. This could never happen, right? They have fail-safes in place, right?
Though they have "fail-safes" in place, it has already happened. In the top forensics lab in the country, Quantico, testing scientists were discovered to have been switching samples. Later, another lab in Texas was found doing the same. It was probably nothing more sinister than wanting to close the cases faster... "after-all the guy was guilty anyway..." Whatever the reason might be in the future, they should never have access to DNA evidence from innocent people.
But these are well-intentioned civil servants, right? Maybe some, but all are flawed humans with the power to destroy the lives of innocent people.

Right now, only previously convicted criminals get their DNA into the database (though by now I think that they take DNA upon arrest). As mentioned, this can be abused, but admittedly it has been very useful. However, if anyone is interested, I can provide a scenario of how a government official can get an innocent person convicted through DNA.
Here is some advice: if you are arrested for a violent crime and you are innocent, never provide your DNA sample (cheek swab) before they have already tested the crime scene evidence. That way, they cannot plant your DNA into the evidence. If you are guilty, and have a good lawyer, go ahead and let them take it and you might get the DNA evidence thrown out of court.


All I have to say is ... wow.

Am I ever glad you stopped by to share your expert opinion. This is scary indeed.

As a resident of the Old Dominion, and an unabashed conservative, I plan to vote for Hillary Clinton in tomorrow's primary, although I reserve the right to change my mind when push comes to shove. I am hoping that the Democratic race comes down to Hillary filing lawsuits in an attempt to have the delegates from Michigan and Florida seated. That kind of schism would be a boon to Republicans, and I can't envision Hillary simply stepping aside for the good of the party.

On the open primaries:

What if you hedge your bet on Obama not being able to beat McCain...but then he does? Then you and your conscious have to bear that in mind for the next 4 years.

I see the logic, but I would be concerned that to many people doing that can change the outcome of a race, in this case for the negative.

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