"It's (EXPELLED) going to appeal strongly to the religious, the paranoid, the conspiracy theorists, and the ignorant –– which means they're going to draw in about 90% of the American market."
~ Evangelist for atheism, PZ Myers
In the worldview of PZ Myers, I probably fit all of those categories ;) If you do too, then join Mr. Dawntreader on Freedom Day, April 18th, at Valley View theaters to see Expelled! We can grab a cup of coffee afterwards and discuss the film.
Thank God that America is a land that has never tolerated tyranny, suppression and despotism of any form ... including academic despotism. I hope this film delivers on exposing the ridiculous tactics of those in the scientific establishment who refuse to tolerate dissent in their ranks.
There should be no need to fear questions about reality. Develop a model. Make predictions. Put your predictions to the test. Revise your models. Follow the evidence where it leads.
I'm afraid you'll be disappointed by Expelled (though I'm more afraid that you might not be). Just a couple of the tactics used in the film are to play scary music underneath interviews with scientists, and quick cuts between scientists and Nazis. Even if what the film says is true (and it's not), the way it says it reflects badly on all those concerned.
Posted by: Paul | April 13, 2008 at 02:03
How did you see the film already, Paul? It is not due out till Friday.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 14, 2008 at 07:43
Even Fox News could not find anything positive to say about it.
Posted by: vinny | April 14, 2008 at 12:24
I haven't seen it (nor will I, how's that for prejudice?) But I've seen clips on YouTube that were enough to give the flavor - any time you're using scary music under an interview you'd better be talking to Stalin or Pol Pot, not a Mid-Western biology professor; anything else renders your opinions pretty worthless.
Posted by: Paul | April 15, 2008 at 09:08
Youtube!? C'mon Paul! Go see it and let's have an informed conversation about it.
You guys can't condemn the Christians on this blog for being close-minded (about global warming) and then be the very thing you condemn!
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 15, 2008 at 09:24
I don't want to put money in the pockets of the scoundrels who produce and promote this garbage. I have seen clips and extensive reviews written by preview attendees.
Richard Dawkins and P.Z. Myers were led into participating under false pretenses. Myers, who is thanked in the film's credits, was inexplicably barred from a preview (Dawkins, a guest of Myers, was not recognized and was allowed to enter). The producer keeps changing his story as to why this took place.
"Develop a model. Make predictions. Put your predictions to the test. Revise your models. Follow the evidence where it leads."
It leads to evolution as a robust theory and neo-creationists as tantamount to the Flat Earth Society.
I don't fear debate; I fear the gullibility of the indoctrinated and the unscrupulousness of those who would exploit their ignorance. People who are curious about evolution should study it and decide for themselves. Too many people are happy to just see their own ignorance reflected in heavily-slanted slabs of pseudo-entertainment instead of actually educating themselves about the "controversy".
Posted by: Rob Ryan | April 15, 2008 at 11:43
Attack. Attack. Attack.
C'mon everyone. Put the swords down.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 15, 2008 at 11:47
It's not attack, Mr D. As Rob has mentioned, at least two of the participants were lied to in order to secure interviews. The producers have lied about the reasons for keeping Myers out of the preview. They lied about what the movie was going to be called, and what the movie was going to be about. They even lied about the origins of Nazism, which is a desparately important thing to get right. Oh, and they clearly and knowingly stole some of the material they used, at least in the preview screenings.
I imagine it's possible to make a movie that critiques evolution and science in a reasonable manner. I doubt I'd agree with it, but I'd happily watch it and debate it with you. I just don't see any reason to think that a bunch of lying thieves have produced that particular movie.
(I used the word 'lied' a lot then. I'm not using it in the political debate sense of 'said something I don't agree with', but in the technical sense of 'knowingly said things that weren't true').
Posted by: Paul | April 15, 2008 at 13:07
I found the movie pretty open minded and relatively fair. For once a movie is tipped in the favor of intelligent design and those who have made movies for years against it are going balistic. We are just using the same type of research and debate as they do, just from the other side of the coin.
I got a preview about a month ago because I work for a Christian Non Profit and they sometimes give us sneek peaks.
Posted by: Carl Holmes | April 15, 2008 at 15:08
If anyone is interested, Scientific American weighs in pretty strongly against the movie with four entries on the April 9 website (sciam.com) edition. They are really upset about the linkage of evolution and the Holocaust.
"It leads to evolution as a robust theory and neo-creationists as tantamount to the Flat Earth Society."
Rob, I think what Mr D. is saying is that if data is presented, it should be evaluated on it's own merit. One can disagree with the interpretation, but dismissing the paper due to the source is committing the fallacy of poisoning the well; and is not scientifically honest.
On the other hand, materialistic scientists say that when they present data, they do not then conclude (in the paper anyway), "therefore there is no God." Not surprisingly, they get very upset when ID scientists appear to say "therefore God exists."
Also, there is some issue with misrepresentation by the producer and Ben Stein when they interviewed the atheists in the movie.
I don't have any problem linking atheism with the totalitarian genocide of the 20th century, but it is a too much of a stretch to blame evolution.
I will be interested to see just how bad or good the movie is. I am afraid of what Paul mentioned regarding the movie reflecting badly upon Evangelicals. We'll see.
Posted by: SteveC | April 15, 2008 at 15:33
I see an awful lot of heat for a movie that hasn't even opened yet.
Few open minds left on the subject of academic freedom I guess.
Well, looks like it is up to you and I, Steve. I'll open a thread next week and we can post our thoughts.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 15, 2008 at 15:47
Mr. D:
If I can find a way of seeing the movie without financially rewarding the people who made it, I might do so. But it's clear that you're going to see it, so when you do, let me suggest this: Be very skeptical about things that tell you what you want to hear. This is true of all things in life, by the way, not just this particular movie.
Meanwhile, you're calling for open-mindedness, fairness, and honesty. That's admirable, but the makers of the film haven't bothered with such burdens.
Posted by: tgirsch | April 15, 2008 at 16:07
"I see an awful lot of heat for a movie that hasn't even opened yet."
And you haven't responded to any of the criticisms. Do you approve of the behavior of the producers? Do they reflect well on those who advocate "academic freedom"?
Posted by: Rob | April 15, 2008 at 17:08
Playing scary music underneath an interview of a biologist is not an example of academic freedom.
Making and airing this film *is* an issue of free speech (nothing to do with academia), which is why it's perfectly acceptable for them to shout their message from the rooftops. The 'heat' you describe is just the natural freedom of speech response when the people doing the shouting are lying thieves.
Here's a little thought to take into the movie with you. Darwin's great insight wasn't that inheritance can be manipulated (which was part of Hitler's plans for a master race); that had been known for thousands of years. His novel idea was that nature could be the agent of selection, which is the antithesis of Hitler's plans. Unless the film lays the blame for this aspect of Nazism at the feet of animal husbandry then it is at best misinformed, and more likely profoundly manipulative.
Posted by: Paul | April 16, 2008 at 03:23
When I first saw the preview, I thought, "This is a movie for Mr. D!!!" I don't know if I will see it, because it seems to run the risk of being overzealous. You will have to tell me if it is any good!
Posted by: Rachael | April 16, 2008 at 09:26
"because it seems to run the risk of being overzealous."
Any time you confront tyranny and those who seek to squash dissent, you take an enormous risk. I think academic freedom is worth fighting for though.
If the film raises awareness to the tactics of those in power to shut down dissent, then it will be worth the price of a ticket and 90 minutes of my time.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 16, 2008 at 09:37
Mr. D:
I see an awful lot of heat for a movie that hasn't even opened yet.
Suppose someone were to film and release an unabashedly pro-abortion documentary. Suppose further that this someone procured interviews from pro-life figures under false pretenses, deceptively edited the interviews to make the pro-life figures look bad, and then refused to admit those figures to advance screenings of the film.
Are you really going to sit there and try to tell us with a straight face that you would withhold judgment or comment until you've presonally seen the film? I seriously doubt it.
P.S. I posted a comment yesterday. Where'd it go? :)
Posted by: tgirsch | April 16, 2008 at 11:55
"Few open minds left on the subject of academic freedom I guess."
Academic freedom is a red herring; this is equal time for pseudo-science. Many of those you would see as carrying the academic freedom banner on this issue would prefer abstinence-only sex education.
You haven't responded to any criticisms of the producers. Is their behavior something you can support with your price of admission? Does the end justify the means?
Posted by: Rob | April 16, 2008 at 21:42
"P.S. I posted a comment yesterday. Where'd it go? :)"
I suppressed it ;) Sux doesn't it?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 17, 2008 at 09:08
Though I have not yet seen the film nor do I know what those interviewed for the film were told, the response to the film seems to be exactly what Stein and the producer set out to document: the intolerance for dissent from the prevailing theory of our origins.
The responses largely have been ad hominem attacks against those profiled in the film or bare assertions challenging whether they actually suffered some backlash for their positions on evolution. See Scientific American (SCIAM), April 9, 2008. One of the sites linked to by SCIAM, purportedly doing an excellent job debunking "Expelled", suggests that Caroline Crocker, profiled in the film, (1) hasn't suffered any impediments to her career because, after not having her contract renewed at George Mason University, she went on to teach at a community college and works for an intelligent design research group; and (2) that she had no business teaching biology because of her clear bias in favor of God and the theory of intelligent design. But the latter would clearly equally disqualify Richard Dawkins who suggests that science essentially disproves God and that those who believe in God are "delusional".
The response to Stein's film from those who accept the evolutionary theory of our origins, suggests that evolution theory has become more of a matter of faith than of science. The response suggests something about the strength of the science underlying evolution theory - opponents are shouted down, ridiculed, and their intelligence and integrity are called into question. The response calls to mind the bully who, when challenged, shouts and threatens, hoping that the louder he is the less he will be challenged. Responses on the merits are few and usually serve only to highlight clear shortcomings in evolutionary theory (e.g. explanations for how the eye might have evolved).
I firmly believe that it is appropriate to seek natural explanations for what we observe and science should be dedicated to seeking such answers. However, science errs when it posits that there can be only natural explanations and any other explanations are de facto incorrect. Science errs when it asserts that evolution as the explanation for our origins has been established as fact. Science errs when it asserts that there cannot be a creator. At some point, science begins to overlap with religion and philosophy, and to pretend that it doesn't is intellectually dishonest or naive.
Science cannot prove or disprove the existence of a Creator. To refuse to be open to the possibility of a Creator is irrational and inconsistent with good science. To accept macroevolution as fact is poor science.
I certainly understand those of you who do not wish to provide any financial support to Ben Stein and the producer. I encourage you, however, to check out the video when it becomes available at your local library, examine critically the science and arguments of intelligent design, and apply the same critical analysis to the science and claims of evolution theory.
Posted by: matt curtis | April 17, 2008 at 10:56
The website claiming to refute the claims made in "Expelled" has suggested that there is no evidence of academia's attempts to silence critics of evolutionary theory. Although anectdotal, PZ Myers' statement below certainly appears to indicate that he at least is interested in silencing the critics.
"That attitude goes a long way in explaining Myers's frontal assaults on fellow academics who promote the ID agenda. It is not just far-flung figures such as Michael Behe and the Discovery Institute's Philip Johnson who have aroused his wrath. Just last week, Myers fired off formal letters of protest to University of Minnesota president Robert Bruininks and provost for academic affairs Tom Sullivan. The cause? A freshman seminar offered at the U's Twin Cities campus called "Life: By Chance or Design." Myers's objections to the course are myriad, beginning with the fact that the instructor, Christopher Macosko, has no particular expertise in either biology or evolution. Macosko, a born-again Christian, is a professor of chemical engineering. In denouncing the seminar, Myers minced no words in his post on Pharyngula:
'This is contemptible. Having academic freedom is not an excuse to tolerate incompetence and dishonesty in teaching our students, and Macosko has done a disservice to the young men and women in his class, as well as doing harm to the reputation of the university. I've said before that we have to tolerate some crackpottery in tenured faculty, but this changes my mind. This course should be removed from the books, Macosko should be censured, and there should be more review of the first-year seminar courses to make sure our students aren't getting fed false information by unqualified faculty. At the very least, courses like this should be evaluated by biologists, and a competent member of the discipline brought in to make sure the ideologue trying to run the show isn't screwing up.'"
City Pages , Volume 26, Issue 1303, November 23, 2005 (http://www.citypages.com/databank/26/1303/article13908.asp)
Posted by: matt curtis | April 17, 2008 at 14:41
matt curtis:
The intolerance is not for dissent; the intolerance is for the attempts by ID proponents to completely circumvent the scientific process. Their problem is, on the merits they lose, so they try to bypass the process completely, whining that "the establishment" is somehow unfairly biased against them. [It is biased against them, but not unfairly so. When they come up with some actual positive evidence in favor of their "theory" -- heck, when they come up with an actual, testable theory -- then and only then are they worth taking seriously. And in any case, how many strikes is a movement allowed? When you keep coming back time and time again with trumped-up pseudoscience that doesn't even survive the most cursory scrutiny, how long before it's considered reasonable to presume that your next effort will follow in line with all the previous ones?]
By complaining that the "responses" to ID arguments "on the merits are few," you merely illuminate your own ignorance of the subject. You can spend literally hours on talkorigins getting all kinds of details on the merits. Or read about the Dover, PA trial, where it was the ID proponents who were continually engaging in disingenuous tactics, yanking things out of context, etc. (And, in that trial, the ID proponents got their tails handed to them -- in behind-the-woodshed fashion -- despite drawing a highly sympathetic judge.)
Between evolution and global warming, you've made it abundantly clear that your understanding of the science is lacking and that when science is at odds with your personal philosophy, you'll throw science under the bus in a New York minute.
In any case, "academic freedom" shouldn't mean the freedom to pass the latest half-baked "theory" off as fact just because it's politically or religiously convenient.
Posted by: tgirsch | April 17, 2008 at 16:07
Mr. D:
I suppressed it ;) Sux doesn't it?
Do you really think public school classrooms are the same thing as an open, public forum? If so, you'll have no objection when I go to your city's public school classrooms and hand out free information to all the students about where to obtain abortions. (Now, take it a step further: make that part of the required curriculum, because that's what we're really talking about here.)
I suspect that what you really support is more like "academic freedom for me but not for thee."
Posted by: tgirsch | April 17, 2008 at 16:09
matt curtis:
By the way, on what planet is objecting to an unqualified professor teaching an unproven religious philosophy as though it were fact the same thing as wanting to "silence the critics of evolutionary theory?"
Posted by: tgirsch | April 17, 2008 at 16:12
The issue is freedom. Either we are a pluralistic society that allows scientists the freedom to dissent or we aren't.
I say we build models and put them to the test and follow the evidence where it leads.
It worked quite well for Einstein. His model of relativity won even though it yielded a very unfavorable conclusion if you are an atheist.
There is a powerful lesson in that.
1- Let's drop the pre-commitment to only hear conclusions that fit our worldview.
2 - Put models against one another. Let the models make predictions. See which models fit the data. Observe which predictions are validated and which are not.
3 - Let the chips fall where they may. Which ever model makes better predictions wins.
In other words, let's stop with the Gestapo tactics already and simply put it to the test.
That approach has served mankind remarkably well except in this one area of human origins where there seems to be more retaining power than there is in finding the best explanation that actually fits all the data.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 18, 2008 at 08:00
"It worked quite well for Einstein. His model of relativity won even though it yielded a very unfavorable conclusion if you are an atheist."
Then ID should have no problem if it proves its merit like Einstein's model did.
"The issue is freedom. Either we are a pluralistic society that allows scientists the freedom to dissent or we aren't."
Scientists do have the freedom to dissent. It doesn't follow that we teach every minority view in science classes. Alchemy doesn't make the cut, and neither does geocentrism. Science classes are about science, not providing a hearing for extreme viewpoints. It is true that many theories accepted as valid faced initial opposition. They were eventually, perhaps inevitably, accepted. As far as science goes, the system works. Scientists love nothing better than discovering that they (or other scientists)have been wrong all along. Every week, it seems, a report comes out by scientists proclaiming that the results of a study were the opposite of what they expected or what thier model predicted.
Posted by: Rob Ryan | April 18, 2008 at 08:20
You so easily dismiss intelligent design, suggest that those who question the annointed wisdom of the global warming or evolution theory crowds are just plain ignorant of science, and accept without any degree of skepticism the claims of the evolution theorists.
You quickly state that intelligent design posits no hypothesis which can be tested. Yet, if that is true, the same may be equally said of evolution theory. Because both theories deal with things that have happened in the past and, to the extent they are ongoing, that occur over such a vast period of time as to be unobservable. Neither theory is testable in the way that gravity is.
If we want to test our ideas about gravity, we can design experiments that measure gravity and can be repeated. We can't do that with either evolutionary theory or intelligent design theory. Thus, in this respect, there is no difference between the two: neither is subject to experiment.
Next, if we consider the origins of evolutionary theory and compare it to intelligent design theory, we find more similarity. Darwin noted the vast number of species that demonstrated both differences and similarities between them. He posited that natural selection might provide a mechanism by which changes would occur over time resulting in a gradual evolution of different species. In order to test the hypothesis that random, periodic mutations are responsible for all of life's origins from a single common ancestor, the fossil record is examined for similarities between different organisms. Not surprisingly, there are similarities. But, what does that prove? It suggests that the theory may be correct. Then again, the similarities may simply be a function of physics and engineering: the skeletal structure of a whale's fin may be similar to that of a land mammal's leg because it is an efficient structure for its intended purpose. In short, what could be cited as evidence supporting evolution might just as easily be cited as evidence of a common designer.
So, in evolution theory, we have essentially observation of many species with marked similarities, and to "test" that theory we look for other such similarities. Intelligent design theorists similarly start from something they observe presently: structures that are too complex and interdependent to have evolved by random chance. To test their theory, they, like their evolutionary theory counterparts, search for other such structures in nature - and they find them. Can the ID theorists exclude other possible explanations for the complexity they observe? No more than can the evolutionary theorists exclude alternative theories for what they observe. Again, neither theory is testable in the way that gravity is.
Question: Specifically, what are the deficiencies in intelligent design theory that make it less scientific than macroevolutionary theory?
Let me make a couple of general observations. First, (and maybe someone has come up with a reasonable explanation for this) might we say that all of life is too complex and interdependent to have evolved gradually over time? For example, bees need flowers and flowers need bees. Would one have survived sufficiently long enough for the other to have evolved? Such interdependence can suggest the degree to which an animal or insect is shaped by its environment, but it also imposes a requirement that the environment and a particular organism had to sufficiently coincide in the evolutionary process.
Second, let's assume that generally evolutionary theory is correct and that all of life descended from a common ancestor. All that has been accomplished is to push back the underlying question: Is there a Creator? How did life, in its simplest form, originate? Was it a bolt of lighting that struck a pond of primordial ooze containing just the right combination of chemicals - something akin to Igor flipping the switch in Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory. Or was it seeded by asteroids striking other planets? Of course, that just pushes the question back a little further and we have no evidence, whatsoever, that that was the case.
Third, before there were a sufficient number of limbs on the tree coming from a single common ancestor, it would seem that life would have been incredibly fragile. In other words, for every successful mutation and new species, how many failed ones must there have been? How many times did all of life hang in the balance because of one destructive mutation?
Fourth, why is it that if all animals evolved from a common ancestor, scientists are able to point to exactly two that appear to partially bridge gaps between kinds (mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds): Archaeopteryx and the platypus? Shouldn't there be numerous such transitional animals reflected both in nature and the fossil record?
In the end, even accepting evolutionary theory leaves one with unanswered questions about our origins and suggests the possibilty of a Creator.
Posted by: matt curtis | April 18, 2008 at 10:34
"Scientists do have the freedom to dissent."
That's just it Rob, this is the claim that we need to test. The scientists you seem to listen to all say scientists have the freedom to dissent about the Darwinian narrative. That is easy to say when you have the power. It is also those same scientists also call anyone who disagrees with them about their narrative quacks and alchemists.
Would you like me to gather some scientists who disagree with the Darwinian account for the proliferation of all life on this planet and ask them if they agree that scientists truly have the freedom to dissent?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 18, 2008 at 13:26
This is obviously a topic that is loaded with way more than our preconceived notions about the origins of humans and of life on Earth to begin with. Those who are inclined to disbelieve in the existence of a Creator God are naturally inclined to disbelieve in the theory of Intelligent Design. Those who take the Christian Bible literally and believe it to be truth are naturally inclined to distrust the theory of Darwinian Evolution.
I do wonder, though, for those who have professed to not wanting to bestow a financial benefit on the film's producers, if I were to send you a check for $10 on the condition that you use the funds to buy a ticket to the film, would you accept it?
I have not seen the film, and I have not seen any of the clips that purport to be from the film that are now on the Internet. Yet, in a different context, the filmmaker Michael Moore has made several films that I would charitably characterize as manipulative. Nonetheless, I saw the films because I was interested in the subject matter, even if only to disagree with Moore's overall goals. I find the analogy apt, and wonder why several of you have taken such an obstinate stance.
Posted by: Steve Clarke | April 18, 2008 at 14:11
That is a kind offer, Steve Clarke. Thanks. I hope you get some takers.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 18, 2008 at 14:41
"...if I were to send you a check for $10 on the condition that you use the funds to buy a ticket to the film, would you accept it?"
No! I would still be an agent in enriching the culprits. If they let me in for free, I'll gladly watch it. If a friend buys or rents the tape for his own viewing and invites me to view it, I will accept.
Even atheists have principles.
Posted by: Rob | April 18, 2008 at 16:52
Thanks for the offer, though. My passion overcame my manners.
Posted by: Rob | April 18, 2008 at 16:53
Mr. D:
Either we are a pluralistic society that allows scientists the freedom to dissent or we aren't.
We are a pluralistic society, and scientific dissent is allowed. Being rejected on the merits -- which is what happens to ID -- is not even the same sport as "stifling dissent." Refusing to teach that decidedly-minority view as part of the science curriculum is even less an example of stifling dissent. First you make your case scientifically and convince others, then you put it in the classroom. But ID proponents want to put the cart before the horse on that count.
I say we build models and put them to the test and follow the evidence where it leads.
I agree, wholeheartedly! As soon as ID comes up with a testable model (something I'm pretty sure even you have admitted does not yet exist), call me. Until then, why are we even having this discussion? :)
The only real "problem" with your three-point plan is it's exactly what's already in place; it's precisely what led us to modern evolutionary theory. It is the ID proponents who refuse to abide by Points #1 and #3.
As for "Gestapo tactics," come on, don't you think that hyperbole is a wee bit excessive? If you can name even one ID proponent who's rotting away in a secret prison because of their pro-ID views, you might be on to something I guess. Until then, Godwin's law and all that...
That's just it Rob, this [scientists having the freedom to dissent] is the claim that we need to test.
Again, unless you can point to scientists imprisoned for dissenting, or anything like it, the claim has already been vetted. Of course, it seems to me that you're conflating the freedom to dissent with the freedom to be taken seriously, and those are two different things. Anybody can do the former, but you have to earn the latter. The opponents of the science of evolution (and, while we're at it, AGW) have failed to do the latter.
If anything, ID scientists get a disproportionate amount of attention, and more chances than they deserve on the merits, thanks in no small part to a significant political machine behind them.
But at the end of the day, look at what you're asking us to do. You're asking us to take seriously -- and treat as equals -- a group that has presented no testable model, no scientifically-rigorous definitions, and no positive evidence in support of their hypothesis. All they have come up with is a litany of old and mostly long-since-debunked objections against the prevailing theory. Indeed, the ID approach has largely been to try to poke holes in evolution, as though taking down evolution would mean that their view wins by default. But that doesn't cut the mustard. Even if evolution is wrong, you've still got to present a robust alternative theory, that stands on its own and explains the available evidence. (Hint: You should be able to describe your theory on its own terms, without making any reference whatsoever to the theory you're aiming to replace.)
So again, your desire to put the cart before the horse is maddeningly frustrating. Come to us with a model, and with affirmative evidence, and then we can talk. But until then, it's criminally premature to talk about teaching such things in science class.
matt curtis:
You quickly state that intelligent design posits no hypothesis which can be tested. Yet, if that is true, the same may be equally said of evolution theory.
This is where you're exactly wrong. The theory of evolution by natural selection has made many testable predictions which were later vindicated. A good starting point is here, if you can be bothered to look. For a more general refutation of your argument, see here.
A huge predictive test that evolution makes is that since the great apes have 24 chromosome pairs, and humans have 23 pairs, if humans and great apes evolved from a common ancestor (as the theory states), then we should find that one of the human chromosome pairs should be a "merged" pair -- analogous to two chromosome pairs in the great apes. If none of the chromosomes are merged or fused, evolution by natural selection is in big trouble. No worries, though, because as it turns out, human chromosome 2 is indeed a fusion of two great ape chromosomes.
A simpler prediction concerns fossil finds: the older a fossil is, the more simple a life form it should be. Fossils we find should fit the chronological order predicted by the theory. And indeed, that turns out to be the case. If we were to find a fully-formed mammal fossil dating back to the cretaceous, that would submarine evolution by natural selection, game, set, and match.
If you want to read about some even more complex tests of the theory, you can read this.
The truth is, there are many examples of predictions like this, if one is even vaguely familiar with the science. The fact that you even raised this argument serves only to underscore my allegation that your knowledge of the science is severely lacking.
Question: Specifically, what are the deficiencies in intelligent design theory that make it less scientific than macroevolutionary theory?
Well, for starters, there's no scientifically rigorous definition of "irreducible complexity," and you need that before you can even begin scientific inquiry into the matter. Even with the loose definition we have today, virtually every example of an "irreducibly complex" structure that has been put forth by ID proponents has subsequently been found to have a less-complex precursor. (Of course, the ID proponents then just move the goal post to that next precursor, and the game begins anew.)
Also, before we can meaningfully discuss intelligent design as science, we have to have a method for differentiating between apparent design and actual design. Just because something looks designed doesn't mean that it was, and we have to have a reliable way of telling the difference. We don't.
By contrast, the theory of evolution by natural selection makes discrete predictions about what we should expect to find (and, at least as importantly, what we should not expect to find), even when looking solely into the past. ID makes no such predictions that I'm aware of.
Heck, ID hasn't even put forth anything resembling a decent curriculum yet, even if we wanted to teach it in the classroom. What would the lab look like?
[I imagine putting a bunch of goop into a beaker, containing all the chemical components of life. Sit there and watch it for an hour. If no life emerges, Aha!, Intelligent Design is vindicated!]
Another shortcoming of ID is that it fails to address a key point: even if life was designed, knowing that still isn't good enough. We'd then want to know how life was designed -- what were the mechanisms involved, etc. -- and that leads us right back to the type of scientific inquiry we're already doing. [Something ID proponents rarely want to admit is that if true, ID theory inevitably leads to theistic evolution, with a great deal of evidence to support a polytheistic slant. But I digress.]
For example, bees need flowers and flowers need bees.
I don't mean to sound as condescending as I almost certainly will, but this is laughably simplistic. Bees (or even insects, or even animals) are not the only way by which plants pollinate. For many species, the wind is plenty (ask a seasonal allergy sufferer). Just because a symbiotic relationship has developed over time doesn't mean that such a relationship always existed, or must have existed, by necessity.
All that has been accomplished is to push back the underlying question: Is there a Creator? How did life, in its simplest form, originate?
Here, at least, you are correct. You're moving away from evolution, and into abiogenesis. And from that perspective, you're right, evolution can't explain that part of it. This, frankly, is why I've always been so confused as to the Christian revulsion at the prospect of the theory of evolution. Nothing about the theory precludes a creator (despite what Dr. Dawkins might say). About the only thing that dies when you accept evolution is a literal interpretation of Genesis, but even that hardly strikes at the foundations of Christianity. The Bible is full of allegory and parables; why should its first book be any different in that regard?
Third, before there were a sufficient number of limbs on the tree coming from a single common ancestor, it would seem that life would have been incredibly fragile.
True statement. But again, not terribly relevant to the theory. There could have been several (or many) independent abiogenesis events, of which only one survived and prospered. We don't know, and I'm not convinced that we ever can know; but that doesn't detract from the remarkable amount of evidence we concerning the common ancestry of today's life forms dating back over the millennia.
Shouldn't there be numerous such transitional animals reflected both in nature and the fossil record?
Your ignorance of them doesn't mean they don't exist. :) Again, start here. Obviously, there are a lot more than "exactly two."
In the end, even accepting evolutionary theory leaves one with unanswered questions about our origins and suggests the possibilty of a Creator.
Which, again, is why the widespread Christian objection to evolution puzzles me so.
It's an intriguing offer, but I'll have to think about it. My objection is to giving the filmmakers any money -- it's not just to giving them my money. I'll be glad to watch it when it hits basic cable -- which I predict won't take long. :) But I will check local listings, and consider your offer.
The other problem is that it would be a difficult offer to accept. It's only playing at one theater in the city of Memphis, and it's nowhere near my house. There are a couple of suburbs that are 20 miles away where it's playing but that's about it.
As a side note, I'm an unabashed liberal, and am inclined to agree with the points Michael Moore is trying to make; yet I was utterly unable to sit through Fahrenheit 9/11, his only film I've even attempted to watch, because I found it to be so heavy-handed, manipulative, and spin-laden. So I actually agree with your assessment of him. I don't like it when "my" team does it any more than when "your" team does. In fact, I like it less.
Posted by: tgirsch | April 18, 2008 at 18:08
More on Steve Clarke's apt comparison between this film and Michael Moore in this review.
Posted by: tgirsch | April 18, 2008 at 18:10
"Scientists love nothing better than discovering that they (or other scientists)have been wrong all along."
Your statement is about half right: scientists may like proving other scientists wrong, but I don't share your view that they like admitting they were wrong. I have no reason to believe that scientists are any different than the rest of us. No one likes to be proven wrong.
I have to say that reading Dawkins' and P.Z. Myers' responses to "Expelled" demonstrate incredibly closed minds that are more interested in inflammatory ad hominem attacks than refutations on the merits of the ideas expressed. If Dawkins and Myers are any indication of what is going on in the scientific community with respect to those who dissent from the party line on evolution, then it seems patently obvious that "Expelled" puts forth a correct view. The arrogance and condescension are thick in their writings and statements. Dawkins is clearly of the view that if someone has difficulty accepting his views it is because they are either just honestly stupid or intentionally ignorant. It couldn't possibly be because he is explaining his point poorly or it simply doesn't make sense.
Posted by: matt curtis | April 18, 2008 at 20:56
Once again tgirsch has said much more than I could have thought of, way better than I could have phrased it. So I'll just respond to the latest point from Matt, which maybe doesn't fall within tgirsch's experience.
I've been reading PZ Myers blog since its early days. I wouldn't ever claim that he was a moderate back then, but he was certainly more temperate in the way he expressed his views. Any frustration he exhibited, I would guess, was down to a subject he loves so very much being mocked and manipulated so badly.
Since then I've noticed he has become much more outspoken. No doubt some of that comes from the confidence that accompanies a high profile, but my guess is that a lot of it comes from half a decade of being insulted on a regular basis (and I mean daily bouts of sometimes quite disgustingly evil emails). Personally I'm amazed that he remains as gentlemanly as he still is, and am grateful that he hasn't been silenced by this barrage.
I'm reminded of an old saying - Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Then, when you judge them, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have their shoes.
Posted by: Paul | April 20, 2008 at 14:21
Based on his condescension, you might even say that Richard Dawkins is the Barack Obama of the evolution-supporting crowd!
Seriously, though, I should clarify that I haven't seen the film Expelled! and therefore I can't comment on whether it uses "Michael Moore-style" tactics. I make the comparison assuming, arguendo, that it does.
And I should point out that almost every scenario in which one would see the film would involve a financial benefit inuring to its producers, however indirectly. If one were to live life in strict adherence to the principle of not lending support to any opposing viewpoints, he would probably turn into a hermit.
Posted by: Steve Clarke | April 21, 2008 at 09:24
There is a moment, at the end of the film where Richard Dawkins gives an endorsement to Panspermia as a valid possible explination. The theory that a intelligence beyond our comprehension brought the seeds of life to our planet and then let it grow. Sounds a lot like intelligent design to me.
The pro that theory is that they can then say, there is a creator but he is no longer present. Fits pretty nicely into their world view. Nature is supreme, nothing is greater.
Lets all cut the religion out of it, I am fine with it. Lets look at the theories minus religious bias... bring it on.
Scientists like Blaise Pascal, Keppler and others let their world view lead their science. Today, scientists let their science lead their worldview. When the worldview is not the one that the scientist wants to have...manipulate the data. Surpress decent, cast aspersions at the other guy.
Posted by: Carl Holmes | April 21, 2008 at 10:18
Carl - I wouldn't make too much of that panspermia thing. In this account (http://richarddawkins.net/article,2394,Lying-for-Jesus,Richard-Dawkins) Dawkins himself says that he was 'bending over backwards' to make the best possible case he could for some sort of ID origins to life on Earth. So far from being an endorsement of panspermia, this was an attempt to step outside his beliefs and be charitable to ID, and even then his point (edited out, I would guess) is that "even in the highly unlikely event that some such 'Directed Panspermia' was responsible for designing life on this planet, the alien beings would THEMSELVES have to have evolved"
Posted by: Paul | April 21, 2008 at 11:28
You said:
"The truth is, there are many examples of predictions like this, if one is even vaguely familiar with the science. The fact that you even raised this argument serves only to underscore my allegation that your knowledge of the science is severely lacking."
Ah, the tried and true argument: "Keep playing in your sandbox and leave science to the intellectual giants who will enlighten you if you just trust them."
You mention the number of chromosome pairs in great apes and man. Let's go back a ways. Before the number of chromosome pairs were known, did evolution theorists make any predictions about the number of pairs in the great apes and in man? What was the prediction, or what would it have been? Next, based on what we observe of Chimpanzees and humans, would we not expect there to be a great deal of genetic similarity between the two - regardless of the cause of the genetic similarity? Setting aside both evolutionary theory and belief in a Creator, based simply on observed similarities, would not the unbiased observer expect those similarities to exist throughout the organism? Now, let's say you do believe in a Creator, could you not predict that the number of chromosome pairs in humans would be identical or very nearly identical to the number of pairs in chimpanzees? If such a prediction was made, would it necessarily imply a Creator? I would say, no. But I would also argue that neither does it necessarily imply evolution and a common ancestor. If you see two cars driving down the road, can you safely predict that regardless of the make and model there will be a vast number of significant similarities between the two?
Turning to the fossil record: Hard-shelled organisms are those most likely to be fossilized because of the process itself. Consequently, the fossil record is made up primarily of clams and similar hard-shelled creatures. You suggest that the absence of a mammal fossil in a geologically older strata is supportive of evolutionary theory. However, evolutionary theorists have had to argue that such animals are far less likely to be preserved - again because of the nature of the fossilization process - in order to account for the numerous gaps between species, genera, families, orders, etc.
Additionally, those who search for fossils typically do so with preconceived notions about what they will find based upon their acceptance of evolution theory. Consequently, they are more likely to find what they are looking for and not find what they aren't looking for. I don't mean to suggest that this completely accounts for all of the presently known fossil record, but it certainly calls into question the degree to which we should rely on it in forming conclusions about our origins.
A final point: My understanding of the development of evolution theory is that it was, in part, a response to what had been observed in the fossil record to that point. In short, evolution theory was responsive to what was already observed; therefore, it is circular reasoning to conclude that evolution theory is responsible for what is observed and then make predictions as to what will be observed. It's akin to saying that there must be some force that makes an apple fall to the ground, calling that force gravity, and then predicting that if one drops an orange it will also fall to the ground (admittedly this is comparing apples to oranges).
As to the relative number of harmful mutations, does it not generally follow that those organisms with fewer harmful genetic mutations will be more abundant? How does this observation buttress the argument for evolution as responsible for our origins?
"Well, for starters, there's no scientifically rigorous definition of "irreducible complexity," and you need that before you can even begin scientific inquiry into the matter."
What don't you understand about "irreducible complexity"? Is there any confusion in your mind about the meaning of that term? Is it somehow less defined than "natural selection"?
"Also, before we can meaningfully discuss intelligent design as science, we have to have a method for differentiating between apparent design and actual design."
Explain why you believe this is a prerequisite. Take a look around your home or office. If you were to set aside what you already know, would you see evidence of design in the different objects you observed? Archeologists certainly rely on spotting and identifying patterns of design in order to find shards of pottery, arrowheads, other tools, etc. Also, if there must be a means of discriminating between actual design and apparent design, then is not the same true of evolution. Are you aware of any method to distinguish between natural selection and engineered selection (e.g. evolution versus breeding or genetic manipulation)? Could you, solely by eaxmining a dachshund and a rottweiler, determine whether the differences were due to natural selection or breeding?
On bees and flowers:
"I don't mean to sound as condescending as I almost certainly will, but this is laughably simplistic. Bees (or even insects, or even animals) are not the only way by which plants pollinate."
I think you most assuredly did mean to sound condescending. Your statement is partially correct, but my statement about bees needing flowers and flowers needing bees was purposely simplistic. In fact, according to Wikipedia, 90% of flowering plants, and about 80% of all plants, require insects or animals to pollinate. Does this disprove evolutionary theory? Certainly not, but it does pose problems for the theory and increases its improbability.
"Nothing about the theory precludes a creator (despite what Dr. Dawkins might say). About the only thing that dies when you accept evolution is a literal interpretation of Genesis, but even that hardly strikes at the foundations of Christianity."
I largely agree with this position. Acceptance of evolutionary theory does not impact the basic tenets of Christianity - or what C.S. Lewis called "mere Christianity". My aversion to evolutionary theory is largely due to its promotion of poor science and the attempts by many of its proponents to take positions beyond the capacity of scientific explanation.
On transitional fossils: please show me the fossils of the animals that are not truly fish nor truly amphibian (you should probably first define what attributes categorize something as a fish versu what categorizes it as an amphibian. Please do the same with respect to amphibians and reptiles, reptiles and birds, reptiles and mammals. For any such fossils, please state the extent of the fossil (i.e. single tooth, full skeleton, etc.); how the determination was made as to whether it was cold-blooded or warm-blooded; how the determination was made as to how it bore it's young; how the determination was made as to whether it produced milk; etc.
In short, the information you linked me to contained a great deal of admitted estimate and assumption, based on an acknowledged scarcity of fossilized remains.
In the end, the unwillingness by many to acknowledge significant shortcomings in evolutionary theory and the quick and often vitriolic, condescending dismissals of dissenting views suggest an insecurity in the correctness of the theory. Does any such insecurity make evolutionary theory less valid? No, but it should make us skeptical of many of the claims made about the actual evidence.
If evolution theory is correct, it will not change my belief in the God of the Bible and the self-sacrifice of His Son for my sins. I believe God gave us the ability to reason and it does not appear to me that evolutionary theory has a particularly strong foundation in reason.
Posted by: matt curtis | April 21, 2008 at 12:53
Mr. Dawntreader,
Feel free to suppress these comments if you don’t want your “Expelled” discussion turning into an evolution free-for-all.
Now, let's say you do believe in a Creator, could you not predict that the number of chromosome pairs in humans would be identical or very nearly identical to the number of pairs in chimpanzees?
I’d say no. Chromosome number has precious little effect on gene function and overall morphology. As best we can tell, the number of chromosomes possessed by a species is an accident of history and it changes slowly over many generations via processes like Robertsonian translocation. If a creator were making organisms from scratch rather than via a process of common descent, there’d be no basis for predicting that two similar species would have similar chromosome counts, even if they were very similar in other ways.
Turning to the fossil record: Hard-shelled organisms are those most likely to be fossilized because of the process itself. Consequently, the fossil record is made up primarily of clams and similar hard-shelled creatures. You suggest that the absence of a mammal fossil in a geologically older strata is supportive of evolutionary theory. However, evolutionary theorists have had to argue that such animals are far less likely to be preserved - again because of the nature of the fossilization process
Then how to explain the presence of mammal fossils in the more recent strata? Are they only less likely to be preserved in the older strata? And don't forget that mammals, too, have had structures that can fossilize. We call them bones.
Additionally, those who search for fossils typically do so with preconceived notions about what they will find based upon their acceptance of evolution theory. Consequently, they are more likely to find what they are looking for and not find what they aren't looking for.
Are you honestly arguing that the complete absence of mammal fossils among the shelly fossils of Cambrian strata is because scientists don’t expect them there and therefore don’t see them? Talk about condescension
It's akin to saying that there must be some force that makes an apple fall to the ground, calling that force gravity, and then predicting that if one drops an orange it will also fall to the ground (admittedly this is comparing apples to oranges).
I'm baffled here. Are you arguing that scientific hypotheses shouldn't be based on prior data? Or that we shouldn't make predictions? Your prediction about the orange looks like good science to me.
In fact, according to Wikipedia, 90% of flowering plants, and about 80% of all plants, require insects or animals to pollinate. Does this disprove evolutionary theory? Certainly not, but it does pose problems for the theory and increases its improbability.
I'm honestly curious: why do you think co-evolution poses problems for the theory or increases its improbability?
Posted by: Nick | April 21, 2008 at 15:31
matt curtis:
Ah, the tried and true argument: "Keep playing in your sandbox and leave science to the intellectual giants who will enlighten you if you just trust them."
Nice try, but I've argued no such thing. What I did argue was that you made some claims and allegations that were obviously ignorant of even the popularly-available 'common knowledge" science of evolution. I'm not telling you to "keep playing in your sandbox," I'm telling you to learn the rules of baseball before you decide to play. Battle of wits with an unarmed man, and all that. ;)
If you see two cars driving down the road, can you safely predict that regardless of the make and model there will be a vast number of significant similarities between the two?
Great example, since all modern cars trace their ancestry back to just a couple of early prototypes when you go back through history. This again points out why ID leads to theistic evolution: we know that cars were designed, yet we also know that a 2008 Corvette Z06 wasn't simply "created" in its current form -- rather, it's the result of thousands upon thousands of iterations of refinement, testing, and improvement.
Consequently, the fossil record is made up primarily of clams and similar hard-shelled creatures.
Dinosaurs have exoskeletons? Really? Who knew? Seriously, that's a weak argument. We have fossilized remains of all sorts of creatures, not just "hard-shelled" ones.
I swear, it's as if everything you know about evolution is cherry-picked stuff you've learned from its detractors.
Additionally, those who search for fossils typically do so with preconceived notions about what they will find based upon their acceptance of evolution theory. Consequently, they are more likely to find what they are looking for and not find what they aren't looking for.
You're complaining of confirmation bias, but that's why finds are made a matter of public record, and why others vet the process. Unless you think there's some grand conspiracy wherein any and all fossils found that would contradict evolution are immediately destroyed and never reported, evolution's opponents ought to be able to point to the finds that "don't fit" and explain how their alternate hypothesis better explains them.
In short, evolution theory was responsive to what was already observed; therefore, it is circular reasoning to conclude that evolution theory is responsible for what is observed and then make predictions as to what will be observed.
Evolutionary theory was conceived of after observations of living creatures, not fossils. Nice try, though. :) And in any case, even if your objection were correct, it's still not circular reasoning, because the next fossil found could be the one to invalidate the whole mess. Find one fossil that wildly violates the pattern, and that's all you need.
What don't you understand about "irreducible complexity"?
What don't you understand about "scientifically rigorous?"
If you were to set aside what you already know, would you see evidence of design in the different objects you observed?
I see evidence of design in clouds and in the moon. Except that this evidence turns out to be illusory.
Also, if there must be a means of discriminating between actual design and apparent design, then is not the same true of evolution.
It actually is true of both. It bridges two areas of inquiry, though. The first, is simply that evolution occurred, which we're virtually certain of. The second is how it occurred, and though natural selection is by far our best explanation for this, there's a lot of debate about the particulars.
Nonetheless, there's plenty of evidence that the selection is natural rather than engineered. The most important piece of evidence is simply that evolved life is messy. We don't put vacuum tubes in televisions any more, because they're neither required nor useful in any way. Yet male mammals still have nipples. If something is "designed" or engineered, we expect that the superfluous stuff should be cleaned up once it's no longer needed.
I think you most assuredly did mean to sound condescending.
You'll have to take my word on this, but if I'd intended to be condescending, I wouldn't have put in the disclaimer. Trust me, I do it on purpose all the time. In that case, I genuinely couldn't think of a non-condescending way to say it, even though I would have preferred that.
Certainly not, but it does pose problems for the theory and increases its improbability.
Why? Seriously, why? If the symbiotic relationship developed, and those organisms that participate outcompete those that don't, then we should expect to see that sort of relationship become dominant, shouldn't we?
My aversion to evolutionary theory is largely due to its promotion of poor science and the attempts by many of its proponents to take positions beyond the capacity of scientific explanation.
You sure are quick to complain about "poor science" even when you really don't know a whole lot about the science. This seems to be a common theme for you.
On transitional fossils: please show me the fossils of the animals that are not truly fish nor truly amphibian
I'm simply not going to get into this game. Suffice it to say that no transitional fossils are ever quite transitional enough for the anti-evolution crowd. They say, "Show me a fossil that represents a point between A and Z," and so you show them M, and then they want one between A and M, leading to G, and then they want one between G and M, and on down the line, ad infinitum. Given the number of transitionals, and the number of in-between points they illustrate, it's all little more than a distraction at this point.
In the end, the unwillingness by many to acknowledge significant shortcomings in evolutionary theory and the quick and often vitriolic, condescending dismissals of dissenting views suggest an insecurity in the correctness of the theory.
No, what it suggests is a growing impatience with those who are constantly trying to poke holes (generally re-raising tired, old objections which have been addressed dozens of times, as though those objections were somehow new) while not showing any legitimate interest in learning the truth. Almost without exception, those who question evolution do so not on scientific grounds, but because their religious beliefs dictate to them that it cannot be so. It's intellectual dishonesty on a grand scale. One need look no further than the short history of the ID movement, and all of the lies and maneuvering by the "cdesign proponentsists," to see why it gets so frustrating for those who are genuinely interested in scientific inquiry.
So yes, the responses are often vitriolic and dismissive. But the ID movement has largely earned those responses with their collective behavior.
No, but it should make us skeptical of many of the claims made about the actual evidence.
Which, of course, is oh-so-much easier than, you know, actually examining the evidence.
I swear, if you had any political or religious objection to gravity, you'd be demeaning the scientists in that field, talking about how "incomplete" the science is, etc., etc.
I believe God gave us the ability to reason and it does not appear to me that evolutionary theory has a particularly strong foundation in reason.
You're welcome to those doubts, however ill-founded they might be. As long as you don't try to wrongly foist those doubts upon others, we have no quarrel.
I will say this, though: at the rate at which you're dismissing entire fields of scientific inquiry, it won't be long before there's no science left that you're willing to believe. You've essentially already ruled out modern biology and climatology. Presumably, since the Grand Canyon can't be replicated, we're going to have to toss out geology. Plate tectonics? Fuggeddaboutit! At a minimum, the forensic sciences are out the window...
Posted by: tgirsch | April 21, 2008 at 16:32
Dear Mr. D:
I saw the movie on Saturday and thought it was fairly well done in terms of entertainment value. Much of it, I was already acutely aware of from my experience in my academic studies, bachelors and masters at secular universities. However, I thought there were some exceptionally strong moments.
Possibly the strongest point was when Stein was questioning Richard Dawkins, who essentially gets backed into a corner and admits that he doesn't completely deny intelligent design. However, since he's an atheist he ascribes the possibly of intelligent design to an alien, higher-life form from another galaxy. (I know I'm only paraphrasing, but for me that was the highlight of the film.)
In my opinion and from my studies, those who characterize IDers as not following scientific inquiry are mistaken. In the initial phases of scientific inquiry, we're looking at the exact same evidence with a different interpretation. Neo-Darwinism automatically rules out some interpretations. In addition, IDers are also looking at new evidence from multiple disciplines - quantum physics, molecular biology, etc., - which is being categorically ignored by the closed field of evolutionary biology.
I believe that neo-Darwinism relies on presuppositions that have neither been proven, nor tolerate new evidence or alternative interpretations of the existing evidence.
Finally, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the one great achievement of post-modernism might just end up being a nail in the coffin of these most deadly and interlinked aspects of modernism -- eugenics, the holocaust and neo-Darwinism.
Posted by: Deb | April 21, 2008 at 20:12
"Then how to explain the presence of mammal fossils in the more recent strata? Are they only less likely to be preserved in the older strata? And don't forget that mammals, too, have had structures that can fossilize. We call them bones."
The reference to evolution theorists commenting on the poor fossil record and the scarcity of soft-skinned animals came from one of the sites tgirsch provided a link to - and those comments were in reference to the multitude of gaps in the fossil record. Additionally, there seems to be widespread agreement that soft-skinned animals are vastly under-represented in the fossil record, and that there under-representation is not unexpected because of the process by which animals are fossilized.
As far as the chromosomes go, again one of the links tgirsch provided discussed the similar functions of the different chromosomes. Moreover, your statment
"Chromosome number has precious little effect on gene function and overall morphology."
doesn't seem to make sense. (Do you have a cite for that information?) As it is my understanding that the chromosomes contain the genetic codes and allow for the production of necessary proteins, etc., it would seem to follow that the number is important. Moreover, if the number of chromosomes is simply a function of heredity, then we should be able to trace fairly easily our evolutionary ancestors and those of other species. Also, should we not expect to see a significant number of fusions the further we move from a common ancestor?
"Are you arguing that scientific hypotheses shouldn't be based on prior data? Or that we shouldn't make predictions? Your prediction about the orange looks like good science to me."
Not at all. It is entirely appropriate to base hypotheses on presently observed or past data. However, it makes no sense to come up with a hypothesis to explain the observed data and then point to the observed data as proof that the hypothesis is correct. The force of gravity was substantiated not be repeatedly pointing to the falling apple (or a falling orange), but by performing a present experiment (as I recall, dropping a stone and a feather within a vaccuum and observing that they both fell at the same rate - I may be thinking of further refinements of the theory of gravity).
"I'm honestly curious: why do you think co-evolution poses problems for the theory or increases its improbability?"
Because it means that a greater number of chance beneficial mutations must have occurred close in time to those which were occurring in other organisms and which were mutually beneficial. Additionally, it substantially increases the amount of time necessary for such correlative mutations to occur. A non-organic example would be the internal combustion engine: there would be little use for it if there were not also filling stations available to fuel it.
Posted by: matt curtis | April 21, 2008 at 20:32
Well said, Deb. Well said.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 22, 2008 at 04:58
What don't you understand about "irreducible complexity"?
Actually I think I have a pretty good idea of what it means, and it's an engaging idea. It would really help my understanding, though, if you could name something that is a) non-trivial, b) natural, and c) *definitely* irreducibly complex that would help me enormously.
The idea that eugenics and the holocaust are interlinked with neo-Darwinism is profoundly offensive, and what's worse, its a lie that obscures the actual roots of the holocaust.
Yes, some of the proponents of eugenics, and by extension the drivers of the holocaust, did argue that their ideas were building on evolution. They were exactly wrong in this; he whole point of evolution is that it's *natural* selection, whereas eugenics relies on artificial selection, which we've practiced for thousands of years as animal husbandry. I'm going to assume you're not accusing farmers of inspiring the holocaust.
In comparison the holocaust drew inspiration from centuries of vilification of Jews by Christians such as the blood libel. I might be tempted to argue that there's a little more substance to that argument, but ultimately blaming Christianity for the holocaust is as much of a perversion as blaming evolution - they were both excuses seized upon by sick minds to justify the 'them versus us' mentality they needed to unite a people, just as the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and countless other historical 'injustices' were used.
It's not just in this forum, but I've grown a little weary of this idea that science can't account for God. Certainly it has a presumption against 'intelligent actors' like God because htey've proven over many years to be unnecessary, but if the evidence leads to such a thing, however it manifests, then so be it. It does not, however, allow for the 'supernatural' - artificial (e.g. man made) and natural are fine, but there is no such thing as supernatural. Either a supernatural thing is real, in which case it's natural but not yet explained, or it isn't real, in which case it's just a story.
Posted by: Paul | April 22, 2008 at 05:18
You said,
"Either a supernatural thing is real, in which case it's natural but not yet explained, or it isn't real, in which case it's just a story."
Your statement, on its face at least, is self-refuting. Something cannot be "supernatural" (outside of nature) and, therefore, natural (within nature). Science deals with the natural physical world. It cannot address anything outside of that; therefore, it should not be used in order to take positions either for or against God. Science properly deals with what is observable, but it cannot properly say that because there is a natural explanation for something observed there cannot simultaneously be a Creator. At some point, each person must decide, independent of science, whether he believes in God. Science won't help him make that decision.
Moving beyond the simple meanings of "natural" and "supernatural", we can address why God, if He exists, must be outside of nature, but nonetheless real. The following draws heavily from C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity and my argument will certainly pale in comparison.
If there is a God and He is the creator of all things, then He is necessarily outside of His creation. Lewis uses the example of an architect: the architect cannot be both the creator of a building and part of the building itself.
If there is a Creator, then He is responsible for establishing the physical laws that the creation must obey. Therefore, He is outside those laws and is not bound by them.
Do we have evidence that there is something outside of nature? Consider our perception of what is fair or right. How often do you overhear someone express that something isn't fair, or they have the right to something? If you have children, you have undoubtedly heard even the youngest child complain that it's unfair that they have to go to bed earlier than their older sister. We clearly appear to have an innate sense of fairness.
Consider also that we are able to distinguish between "right" actions and "wrong" actions. You quite easily forgive and hold no grudge against the person who accidentally trips you, but you are quickly angered by one who intentionally trips you. You may even suffer greater harm from the accidental trip, but you more easily forgive that person than the one who intentionally trips you yet causes no harm.
Consider also how often we will set aside our own interest in favor of someone else's. For example, think of the unrelated bystander who enters a burning building at great risk to himself in order to save someone inside. Interestingly (though not addressed by Lewis), evolutionary theory strongly suggests that the opposite action would be taken, i.e. the bystander would not risk his life by entering the building.
Now, you might respond that this is all simply "learned behavior". But that simply sets the underlying question aside or moves it back one step. If it is learned behavior, what is the basis for teaching it and carrying it forward. You might say that it is simply a social construct. But if that is the case, then upon what basis would we say that Hitler's, Stalin's, or Pol Pot's regimes were bad? If what we call "good" is simply a social construct, then the oppressive regimes listed above would be equally good. Moreover, even those regimes tried to justify their actions within a general conception of what was good or right - they were put forth as necessary defenses of the people or of equity.
This perception of what is fair and right clearly exists, yet its source is mysterious and is seemingly a natural law (real but different from a physical law). It suggests a "something" that is beyond our physical capacity to observe.
For a much better explanation, I suggest picking up C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity . It is well-written and a quick read.
Posted by: matt curtis | April 22, 2008 at 10:03
Matt - On chromosomes a very quick look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_number_of_chromosomes_of_various_organisms should help you get the idea. Some of the numbers are so surprising that I'd believe they've been hacked, but a kangaroo having 12 chromosomes while a shrimp has 254 makes the point rather well, I think.
Mr D - I think what you're saying is much too limiting on our perceptions. Currently we say that ghosts are supernatural (and that they don't exist). But if for the sake of argument it turned out that ghosts *did* exist they would immeadiately cease to be supernatural - however they do what they do, it could be no other than natural because natural things are all that there is. If the universe exists because of a statistical fluctuation in a zero-energy field, that's natural. If it exists because God willed it so then that, too, is natural. The only thing that I can think of as unnatural (or supernatural) is if something 'just happened'. Not because a creator decided it (even as a whim), or because we know that even zero energy can randomly resolve itself into +1 and -1, but just because it suddenly happened. And even then I'd tend to think of it as natural - if it turns out that human thoughts are utterly non-deterministic and happen independent of any mechanism, that would still seem to be natural to me. Such may be the case with the right/wrong examples you quote from Lewis, for example.
(PS can you close the italics tags above please?!)
Posted by: Paul | April 22, 2008 at 11:03
Oh, I think I just directed a reply at Mr D that should have been aimed at Matt - his mention of Lewis' ideas around nature and supernature totally confused me!
Posted by: Paul | April 22, 2008 at 11:25
There seems to be an unclosed italics tag somewhere upthread, so I am bolding the comments to which I am responding
Additionally, there seems to be widespread agreement that soft-skinned animals are vastly under-represented in the fossil record, and that there under-representation is not unexpected because of the process by which animals are fossilized.
But that doesn't explain a relative change in the frequency of mammalian (or more generally vertebrate fossils). If mammals are less likely to fossilize than bivalves, that relationship should be true across all strata. In fact, though, vertebrate fossils are absent from Cambrian strata but relatively common in more recent strata - in fact all terrestial animals are absent from Cambrian strata. Bivalves with hard shells are common in both Cambrian and more recent strata. Why would general improbability of fossilization apply to vertebrate only in the most ancient strata?
doesn't seem to make sense. (Do you have a cite for that information?) As it is my understanding that the chromosomes contain the genetic codes and allow for the production of necessary proteins, etc., it would seem to follow that the number is important.
Genes encode proteins, but genes are much, much smaller than chromosomes. Think of an encyclopedia. The articles in that encyclopedia will remain the same whether you divide it up into 5 volumes or 20 volumes. In general, chromosome rearrangments only affect expression of genes right at the breakpoint.
Moreover, if the number of chromosomes is simply a function of heredity, then we should be able to trace fairly easily our evolutionary ancestors and those of other species. Also, should we not expect to see a significant number of fusions the further we move from a common ancestor?
Correct, that is indeed what we see. Segments of chromosomes that contain the same genes in the same order in two different species are called syntenic regions. In closely related species like humans and chimps or rats and mice, the syntenic regions encompass entire chromosomes. As species become more distantly related, the syntenic regions become smaller and smaller due to chromosome rearangements occurring in both evolutionary lines. If you compare human and mouse genomes, syntenic regions are easily identifiable, but they are much smaller than in a human-chimp comparison. Mice and rats, as you might expect, have very large regions of synteny. By the time you start comparing vertebrates and invertebrates, sytenic regions encompass only a few genes and are often ambiguous. So, indeed, chromosome structure can be used as a method for tracing evolutionary history although phylogenetic trees that are generated by that data alone would be fairly low resolution.
Because it means that a greater number of chance beneficial mutations must have occurred close in time to those which were occurring in other organisms and which were mutually beneficial. Additionally, it substantially increases the amount of time necessary for such correlative mutations to occur.
I don't understand the reasoning behind your second sentence. In co-evolution, the two different species that are co-evolving create selective pressure for each other. A good analogy is an arms race. In small scale, such co-evolution can be observed in some predator-prey relationships (e.g. toxic newts and toxin-resistant snakes) and the mutations involved have been identified. At a larger scale, as in your bee-flower argument, the specialized organisms that we see today are probably derived from less specialized ancestors. Although honeybees are dependent on flowers for food, many of their relatives, which also pollinate flowers, are predators. Similarly, while some flowers are dependent on one pollinator species, many are pollinated by a variety of insects. So, co-evolution can generate a specialized, apparently irreducibly complex relationship, from more generalized ancestors.
A non-organic example would be the internal combustion engine: there would be little use for it if there were not also filling stations available to fuel it.
That analogy would only hold up if there were an "ancestral" combustion engine that could burn a variety of fuels and an "ancestral" filling station that served sereral different purposes. Then, if the filling station provided a good, readily available fuel, we might see "mutations" in the combustion engine that would make it better able to use the filling station fuel and also more dependent on the filling station. Similarly, if cars formed more and more of the filling station's business, it might discard the more generalized functions and focus on being a better filling station.
Seems to me that if we look at the history of the automobile, we see the development of engines that are dependent on more specialized, high performance gasolines (early automobiles used a variety of hydrocarbon fuels and purity was certainly lower). We've also seen filling stations "evolve" from general stores with a gas pump at the front to specialized filling stations that may or may not also sell snacks and a few other products.
Posted by: Nick | April 22, 2008 at 13:38