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« Reflections From The 50 Yard Line Of Life | Main | Restoring Civility »

August 16, 2008


Hi there

Well, it doesn't sound like the theme is the gospel message, more like maybe a detailed view of "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his soul?"

Take care & God bless
Anne / WF

There are aspects of this movie that I think are consistent with a Biblical world and life view.

The movie highlights the role of pain in a life and our need for redemption.

How we respond to pain and suffering matters ... and it shapes us ... and we all need redemption.

Suppressing pain is not the answer.
Revenge is not the answer.
Becoming a financial "success" is not the answer.
Pretending it away is not the answer.

Let's face it. Many times, life hurts. People hurt us, and we hurt others.

The question is, how are we redeemed? How do we not give in to cynicism or revenge or depression?

How do we have joy no matter our lot in life?

The movie correctly points out all of the wrong ways to respond to pain. But it fails to point out the only place where true redemption and true joy can be found.

It correctly points to relationships and love as the answer. But, it fails to point to one who is love and seeks a lasting relationship with us that actually brings healing, redemption, meaning and love.

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