How can we get at truth about God in a multi-cultural, pluralistic, relativistic society? How can we engage on the battlefield of ideas -- but in a constructive way designed to bring about light instead of just heat?
Forget dialogue -- that "namby-pamby, relativistic activity for academics and other religion professionals in which all sides are assumed to be somehow right" says David Klinghoffer in his opinion piece in the LA Times. Let's get into some good old-fashioned debates.
I agree.
The column was written by David Klinghoffer, a Jewish columnist, on Feb. 7th. His column is entitled : Use the Brain God Gave Us to Debate God
Klinghoffer writes, "The alternative to the dumbing-down of religious disputes is not "dialogue," that namby-pamby, relativistic activity for academics and other religion professionals in which all sides are assumed to be somehow right. Rather, I propose reviving the ancient tradition of the religious disputation."
Today, we could revive the better features of the old disputations — American-style, in a spirit of freedom, friendship, tolerance and respect. There would be three major benefits to doing so.
First, the nation's exuberant religiosity would ensure that public religious debates would be entertainment, much more fun than "dialogue" with a panel of windbags.
Second, debate is like sport. The modern Olympics Games, a sublimation of international warfare, permit countries to exercise the natural inclination to beat an opponent, but in a safe and civilized venue. If Jews could debate Christians, if Christians could debate Muslims — and then all smile and shake hands afterward — what a wonderful alternative that would be to insults and outbursts.
Third, debating religion is good for the soul. My own spiritual journey to Orthodox Judaism started with an encounter on UCLA's campus. I met a "Jews for Jesus" missionary, preaching on Bruin Walk, who revealed to me how little I knew then about my inherited religion, Judaism, prompting me to learn more.
God gave us brains to read the religious texts we love. Debate challenges us to reexamine what we think we know. It opens paths for sharpening our minds, deepening our relationship with God. Let's exercise our brains about the subject that matters, to many of us, more than any other: God. Let's debate."
Klinghoffer's idea has merit, I believe. So does one of the leaders of the Wilberforce forum.
"The first article (note: Klinghoffer's article) posits that in public discourse about the validity of religious claims, we need more robust debate and less “namby-pamby” dialogue. I agree wholeheartedly! Dialogue is good in one-on-one relationships because how we listen and respond to the other is just as important as what we say. It’s not just about the ideas. But in group settings, the focus is generally much more on the ideas themselves, and some good old fashioned debate puts the ideas at issue into a fiery crucible that melts away the dross so all can see whether anything precious remains worthy of our attention. I may have a bias here. Having practiced law for 26 years, I appreciate how our trial system draws out truth (admittedly not always perfectly) through vigorous advocacy by each side, with each side having plenty of opportunity to pick apart the opponent’s witnesses and positions. "
Do you agree?