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May 09, 2005


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What your discussion misses is our unique position, historically speaking. We are one of a small number of species that has the ability to wipe out other species, we are unprecedented in the numbers of such extinctions we can cause, and perhaps most significantly we alone know that we're doing it.

The problem we face is that we can outcompete anything, including ourselves. We have the ability to use up so many resources, to kill so many species, and to do it all in such a short time that we'll have sailed past some tipping point before we even knew it existed. I don't think saving a particular woodpecker, or a giant panda, is going to make a difference. But at some point, if we're not carefully, we're going to chop down one tree too many, or kill one animal too many, and set in motion a change of events that could decimate our species.

Of course evolution doesn't care about that; we shrink in numbers or even die out, and something else will continue. But we care, not because we deny evolution, but because we have an interest in not dying.


You have often used the "starving children" argument on my blog.

Do you personally think spending a million dollars to slog around the marshes of Arkansas with video cameras is a "good" (in the ethical sense) use of resources?

What of our own species?

There are few better uses of money than helping children, I feel. One of those rare occurences is when your actions help more children. For example, if I could spend a million dollars and create a vaccine for malaria I would consider that money better spent than the equivalent buying food for children.

So the question from that perspective becomes "Does helping this woodpecker help us as a species?" I'd be astonished if it did, at least to what we would perceive as a significant degree. The problem, of course, is that I don't know which animal will be the last one we could save before we hit some sort of tipping point.

On a practical level, of course, there's nothing to suggest that the million dollars would be spent on something more worthwhile. If it would be, then let the woodpecker die. If not, then let's save the woodpecker!

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