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November 28, 2005


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Really, really good stuff, I agree 100%. An OT question though -- for anyone not interested in the windings of theological details, tune out, because none of this affects the main point of restoration:

In my usual obsessive fashion, I'm reading through a bunch of books on eschatology, trying to figure out what my personal position really is. Do you think the Ezekiel 36 passage applies to the nation of Israel, the Church as the New Israel, or both? If the former, has this promise already been fulfilled, or is it referring to the Millenium and is the cleansing referred to the Tribulation? If it refers to the Church, does it refer to the present, a literal Millenial Kingdom, or the final establishment of the Kingdom after Christ's return?

I have not researched it.

I take an amil view, generally, though this is not an area where I pour too much energy.

I believe the language sounds very "New Covenant" ish in scope.

Therefore, I will say both. The cleansing is our imputed righteousness found in the sacrifice of the perfect lamb of God.

And, the nation of Israel was restored. Pieces of the promises (for there are many in Ezek 36) belong to the nation of Israel ... like the gathering from the nations. Ezek was a prophet writing during the Babylonian captivity, so this was clearly fulfilled before the birth of Christ.

What say you?

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