Is this really about cartoons?
I don't think so. This anger is about worldviews. In particular, it is about the lack of respect for a worldview that reached its pinnacle of power in the middle ages.
Michael Novak, the brilliant author and theologian, writes
"Finally, let us note the huge burden of historical ressentiment built up in a proud culture, once the most glorious on earth, after the military and cultural defeats at Malta in 1565, at Lepanto in 1571, and at Vienna in 1683–the highwater marks of Muslim expansion. Since that time, proud peoples have watched others shoot past them in preeminence. And felt cut off, and cut themselves off, from the cultural sources of that historical dynamism. These resentments help to explain the severe touchiness of Muslim populations to perceived lack of respect, and their quick turn to riotous tantrums."
Novak is right, ya'll. This ain't about cartoons. It is about worldview.
That is what concerns me about all the bantering taking place about these cartoons in media and in the blogosphere. People are framing the issue in terms of intolerance versus rights of a free society. The pundits look at the rioters and try to use their modern Western worldviews to make sense out of the rage.
The Islamic worldview is steeped in history. Today's events must be viewed in a historical context. We, in the West, simply don't think at a worldview level (very well), and we look at events in isolation.
Here is the deal, neal. The kindling is dry. The question is why. Is it really the events in Iraq? Or in Kuwait in the 90's? Or Tehran in the 70's? Or Israel since 1948?
Friends, we need to get out our history books and get aquainted with this worldview. Until we understand the worldview of Islam (not just radical Islam), we will continue to make mistakes in our analysis of current events.
I don't know that history books are the right place to look. You can read all about what the English did in Ireland all the way back to the Norman Conquest and I don't know if it will tell you what the average Irishman on the street thinks about the English.
I think you need to find the bridges, the people who can explain the lines of thought in terms that the other side can understand, and let them say their piece.
Posted by: carlaviii | February 10, 2006 at 15:34