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April 04, 2006


You know, there might be something to that. Although I'm somewhat skeptical of Easterbrook's writings (he has a history of letting his politics excessively color his writings even when his writings aren't political in nature).

A cumulative ten years of attempting to think happy thoughts (half of them dating, half of them married) came "this" close to destroying my marriage. A little therapy and a daily dose of antidepressants turned it around inside of a year.

It would be unchristian of me to try to describe what kind of violence I feel towards people who say "Just think happy thoughts!"

p.s. The turnaround was five years ago. We've gotten more done in those five years than in the previous twenty of our lives.

Depression is like chronic pain: if you've never experienced it, you don't understand it.


Well there's a pretty big difference between run-of-the-mill unhappines and clinical depression.

Think angry thouhgts! :)


I can relate. "Think happy thoughts" doesn't work on depression. "Snap out of it" or "stop being so lazy" doesn't work on depression. Depression has some biological roots, I'm convinced, having struggled with it mightily myself since my teens, and having suffered at least two extended major depressive episodes as an adult.

There's also the question of how to define "happiness." I'm not so sure we're promised "happiness" as Christians. We are promised "joy" and "peace," but always in the broader context of the pain and struggle of life.

I was waiting for someone to challenge the basic presupposition about happiness ... tnx to Mr. Opderbeck for knocking it out of the park.

First, what is happiness? Go listen to this podcast :

Advance to the 55 minute mark and push play. Happiness may be different than what you thought it was.

Second, who said happiness was the official goal in life, or even a worthy goal in life?

Three, is happiness ever promised anywhere in the Bible? There are plenty of promises as far as what will come if you follow Christ -- try to find happiness in the list.

Four, having said all that ... isn't it interesting how non-Christians like Easterbrook (and other researchers) discover the major role that 'forgiveness' plays ... I find that intriguing. Makes you think. How do we find forgiveness in life? How do we forgive in life? What correlates with people who have learned how to receive and grant forgiveness? Note to Christians : forgiveness is a big deal, and everyone gets that ... even the psychologists.

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