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June 24, 2006


MY hurts...make it stop. A googling I go to get ready for your next post. I have a long standing rule to introduce myself to a new theory or concept every week, agree with it or not. Here I go with Bayes..

We use Baysean algorithms in engineering to decide when we have enough data to make a decision. i.e., based on the degree of prior confidence in our approach, how much additional testing and development do we need to have confidence that we have a quality design? I can see the same approach being useful in apologetics where human nature guarantees that doubt will always be present to some degree. How much evidence do we need to be convinced? Unfortunately, Americans tend to think in black and white and it's difficult to sell this way of thinking.
Of course a Calvinist might say the entire line of thought is irrelevent.

Many digital communications receivers (from radios to cell phones to wi-fi) are based on Bayes theorem. The problem in communications is - given that our receiver has received some signal S, what is the probability that the signal X was sent at the transmitter? In a digital system, X can be only 1 of a finite number of values so all we have to do is find the X with the highest probability and that is the signal that was sent.

Anyway, Popperian philosophy of science and Bayesian philosophy of science are really just two of the newest ways of arguing about the proper way of doing science. Popper says we should make conjectures and hypotheses and then used tests to deductively refute those hypotheses. Bayesians say we should gather evidence and then based on the evidence, use induction to find the theory that best fits the data.

Bayesian thinking is hot -- thanks in large part to the success of Google.

Bayesian methodology can point to some tremendous success stories in technical applications. That gets people's attention and earns the right to be heard.

My interest is in the philosophical end of things. The Bayesian approach lends itself well to interpreting evidence -- which, of course, makes it a natural fit for apologetics (at least evidential apologetics).

A presuppositionalist will, of course, discount the subjective nature of Bayes and argue that worldviews will cloud probabilities. That is, the noetic effect of the Fall will render Bayes useless in apologetics. That is why John's comment "Of course a Calvinist might say the entire line of thought is irrelevent" is spot on (since most Calvinists tend to be presuppositional in their approach to apologetics).

Macht, your point about induction is exactly why Bayesian statistics will soon emerge in the intelligent design debate (if it has not already). The premise of the design inference is an inductive argument at its core. If Bayes philosophy triumphs over Popper, then ID benefits.

The irony is that Bayes lends strength to subjective epistemology -- degrees of belief etc. That makes it kind of postmodernish whereas Popper has more of a clear right and wrong kind of feel.

That is what makes the study of the acceptance of Bayes Theorem so fascinating. It has implications on multiple fronts.

You may be aware of this already, but Dembski thinks that a Bayesian approach to design inferences is "problematic."

People like Elliot Sober have already used a Bayesian approach to critique ID.

I suppose I could also point out that Plantinga uses Bayes theorem in his famous evolutionary argument against naturalism.

You said:

"Bayes is different. Bayes modifies our belief in something in light of supportive evidence. Get the difference?"

I said:

"No, I don't get the difference."

Help me, help me, my mind is expanding!

You may be aware of this already, but Dembski thinks that a Bayesian approach to design inferences is "problematic."

Yes. You stole my thunder :) I will address this in a future post. Dembski is a frequentist. He dedicates a chapter to it in The Design Revolution.

That is part of what makes Bayesian so much fun -- it twists and turns -- Plantinga and
Bill Craig use it, but Dembski eschews it.

I love the controversy.

Help me, help me, my mind is expanding!

It is good for you! :)

Hang around ... maybe it will make more sense after reading my example.

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