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June 02, 2006


That letter and this post get down to the essence of the Christian life. Being a disciple is about relationship.

Great thoughts, Mr. Treader.

Thank you for sharing what is on your heart in this post, sir.

It addresses something that has been on the front/back of my mind in the past little while, and I am going to post a response, or rather an inspired heart-pouring tonight when I get home.


Thanks for the kind words. The thought of "Christ in you as you" is hardly ever discussed in churches today -- unthinkable, isn't it? It is central to Christianity -- how come we have drifted away from it toward performance Christianity or "getting saved" Christianity or "feeling good" Christianity.


I look forward to reading your response.

and I am going to post a response, or rather an inspired heart-pouring tonight when I get home.

...circumstances did not permit. I hope to post it tonight or tomorrow.

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