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July 01, 2006


The sad part about all this, is that the majority of unbelievers who are intelligent enough to understand apologetics featuring Bayesian logic, have probably been so deeply entrenched in secular naturalism by the university system, as to be immune to rescue.

Perhaps ... but who knows.

Apologetics is not always about one on one evangelism -- sometimes it deals more on a global level where entire plausibility structures are defended (or debunked).

Apologetics also is important in "post evangelism", right? There are Christians (capable of understanding Bayesian logic) who still think that faith must be blind or it is not faith ... they could benefit a great deal, imo.

My problem with apologetics (of any sort) is the same as it's ever been: it's not at all about finding truth, and all about convincing others that what I believe is true. Which is to say, it's not about being right, it's about winning arguments. Apologetics rest on the assumption that I have the right answers and you don't.

Apologetics is telling others what you believe to be true and why.

You believe apologetics is ... "it's not at all about finding truth, and all about convincing others that what I believe is true"

That is what you believe to be true ... you stated it ... and you believe it ... right?

You are therefore engaging in apologetics about your view of apologetics :)


No, not really. There's a difference between stating my beliefs (which is what I just did), and actively trying to sway others to my beliefs. And even that latter, I would classify more as "debate" or even "evangelism" rather than "apologetics." Apologetics differ, in my mind, in that the possibility that the one engaging in them might be the one who's wrong is simply never seriously considered.

Now that's not strictly the definition of apologetics, but unfortunately, that's what it has come to mean in a (*eek*) pragmatic sense.

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