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July 27, 2006


Time to plot a fresh data point in the design -vs- chance debate. Introducing the newest instance of specified complexity in the cell : 30 million nucleosomes. Drs. Segal and Widom analyzed the sequence at some 200 sites in the yeast genome where nucleosomes are known to bind, and discovered that there is indeed a hidden pattern. Hidden pattern? The practitioners are catching on. The Kuhnian shift is well underway. (HT: The Cultural Report)

There are lots of these such repeating patterns in DNA (e.g. satellite DNA, telemores). Why does a pattern in DNA demonstrate that God put it there?
Here are some beautiful repeating patterns in sand - if you have some free time, you can drive out to the desert and watch the wind create them.

I know I'm coming late to this but I did want to acknowledge that the 1% rule seems to be a very helpful way of looking at the web. Thanks for putting me on to this.

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