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July 22, 2006


Here is a nice essay by Collins called Faith and the Human Genome Project.

Jeff, Collins is highly regarded in American Scientific Affiliation circles. From what I've read of and by him, I wouldn't characterize his view of knowledge according to Nancy Pearcey's "two tier" model (in fact, though I was taken with Pearcey's model when I first read her book and it probably describes how lots of not very well informed people think, I've come to think that her understanding of epistemology and emotivist ethics is a bit shallow).

Another good place to get a taste of Collins' views is his preface to Darrel Falk's Coming to Peace with Science.

One of the best aspects of Collins' approach is that it defuses some of the culture war rhetoric around faith-science issues.


I heard Dr. Collins on the Diane Reems show the other day promoting his new book, "The Language of God". You can listen to it here:

It was really interesting and I wondered what you thought of it. She asked him a pointed question about whether he differentiated between Christianity and other different religions. His answer seemed weak to me- and he skirted the question on embryonic stem cells completely... which I understand.

Overall, I respect him greatly and I am thankful that someone of his very-public faith is in the position that he holds.

My pastor said that Collins' answer to the "other religions" question reminded him of CS Lewis' view expressed in the The Last Battle and Mere Christianity. What do you think?

Another good interview here on a PBS radio program.

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