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« Barna's Latest Poll: Did America's Faith Change After 9/11? | Main | Good Example Of Reflective Blogging »

September 12, 2006


I think the world could use a few less blogs devoted to the latest political/cultural/religious crisis.

Journaling about life, and making it interesting is hard, which is why I don't think folks really do it. James Lileks' Bleat, is about the best daily blog or journal that attempts this.

Life is anthropological, even the Christian life. A Christian life lived just with concepts and thoughts isn't really very interesting.

Your description of reflective blogging is exactly what I attempt to do, though how effectively I do it remains to be seen, read and commented upon. Your broad definition, "posts which reveal how and what a blogger is thinking about God, life, truth etc...often spawned by interacting with God's thoughts through reading His word," captures my overall blog mission exactly. You've inspired me to write more directly from interacting with God's Word, showing, as JA Greer commented, the anthropological aspect of one mom living out her life in Christ. Thanks for the inspiration and in a way, affirmation.

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