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August 19, 2007


I am kind of surprised no one has commented on this post! Mr Metcalf's remarks should cause every sibling, parent,and teacher out there to pause and think about their week. His words were a great springboard to James 3 for me.
Friday completed my first week of my nineth year of teaching. Since my early 20s, I have daily stood in front of rooms filled with 7th and 8th graders. My first class of 8th graders are now college grads. While I doubt that many of them remember how to conjugate the verb "give" in pluperfect passive, how to refute the dilemma, or that Ramses ruled during the New Kingdom in Egypt - I pray that in some way during the time we learned together, they saw God's love and majesty - despite my sin and incredible shortcomings.
This is also my prayer for the 46 "Nerds" He in His Providence has placed eargerly in my class room this school year, the remaining 230+ students who see me in the halls, cafetorium, etc..., and the 100s of young people He brings into my life outside the building of FCS. Mr Metcalf is "dead on" about learning necessitating an authentic relationship. Praise God True learning is not necessitated by me.(None of it is really about me at all!) However,that it is ultimately the learner's relationship with the Father - not with the modeler that matters.
As their teacher, my life should be a witness - but - more importantly I should intentionally and consistently point them to the real Source of Truth.

"However,that it is ultimately the learner's relationship with the Father - not with the modeler that matters.

As their teacher, my life should be a witness - but - more importantly I should intentionally and consistently point them to the real Source of Truth."

That is rich. I love it.

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