I enjoyed my first pigfest last night. Good food. Nice crowd. Lively discussion.
We gathered in Jim's basement around a long table. The food was bountiful. I counted twenty-one people there. Men and women. Ages ranged from teenager to grandparent. Jim explained the rules of the pigfest
"State your question in the form of a proposition. Your proposition can be in the area of politics, economics, culture, theology, or history. Each proposition will be discussed for 15 minutes. We also have the devil's rule, which means anyone can take a position and defend it even if they do not necessarily hold it. Any questions?".
"Ok, let the fun begin."
Jim scanned the room ... and then fixed his eyes on the guy sitting two chairs down from me.
"Stephen, my friend, you are on."
Stephen straightened up. "I think affirmative action is unfair and here is why." The pigfest had begun.
UPDATE: Gid is ready to start a pigfest in Chattanooga. When you see the picture on his blog, you'll see why. Let him know you are ready to pig out and talk about the issues of the day.
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